2023年10月11-13日,第8届广州国际汽车零部件及售后市场展览会(AAG,Auto Aftermarket Guangzhou)在保利世贸博览馆(广州)举行。该展会立足汽车售后市场,扎根粤港澳大湾区,已经发展成为华南地区汽车售后市场行业盛会。本届展会展示面积达5万m2,吸引了1000余家参展商,现场举行了20余场同期活动,近50家大众及行业媒体到场。来自全球的汽车行业人士相聚花城,共同探索华南汽车行业发展蓝海。
On October 11-13,2023,the 8^(th) Guangzhou International Auto Parts and Aftermarket Exhibition(AAG)was held at the PWTC Expo(Guangzhou).This exhibition offers a display area of 50,000 square meters,attracting more than 1,000 exhibitors.The exhibition is also accompanied with more than 20 concurrent conferences.This exhibition has achieved significant growth in both the participation of exhibitors and visitors compared to the previous one.
Commercial Vehicle