

Study on Intermediate Ring Frame Stiffness Discriminant of Ultra-large Scale Skin-stringer Structures
摘要 面向重型运载火箭等超大直径薄壁结构设计需求,基于能量法对特定失稳波形下结构的轴压承载能力进行分析,给出适用于超大直径蒙皮桁条结构的中间框不失稳刚度判别式。将该判别式应用于5种不同直径的蒙皮桁条结构中,得到中间框不失稳临界尺寸随壳段直径的变化关系,并进行有限元仿真校核。结果表明:给出的中间框刚度判别式对大直径蒙皮桁条结构有较好的适用性,对于超大直径蒙皮桁条结构,环向失稳波数的增加降低了壳段直径跨越式增长带来的影响,中间框不失稳临界尺寸并没有随壳段直径尺度的跨越式增长而大幅增加。 With regard to the design requirements of ultra-large-scale skin-stringer structures on heavy launch vehicle,the axial load carrying capacity under the specific instability waveform is analyzed based on the energy method,and a discriminant for the intermediate frame stiffness suitable for the ultra-large scale skin-stringer structure is given.The discriminant is applied to five kinds of skin-stringer structures with different diameter scales to obtain the relationship between the critical cross-section size of the intermediate frame and structure diameter,and the finite element simulation is carried out to verify the results.The results show that the discriminant given has good applicability to large-scale skin-stringer structure.As for the ultra-large-scale skin-stringer structure,the increase of circumferential instability wave number counteracts the great-leap-forward increase of the structure diameter.The critical cross-section size of the intermediate frame does not increase greatly along with the increase of structure scale.
作者 曹景乐 王会平 石玉红 张薇 袁彪 CAO Jingle;WANG Huiping;SHI Yuhong;ZHANG Wei;YUAN Biao(Beijing Institute of Astronautical Systems Engineering,Beijing,100076)
出处 《导弹与航天运载技术(中英文)》 CSCD 北大核心 2023年第6期10-15,共6页 Missiles and Space Vehicles
关键词 蒙皮桁条结构 超大直径 结构稳定性 中间框 重型运载火箭 skin-stringer structure ultra-large scale structure stability intermediate frame heavy-lift launch vehicle
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