南方红豆杉是国家一级重点保护物种。2023年6月下旬,安徽省重点保护植物调查与标本采集课题组在皖南开展野外作业时,于黄山市休宁县岭南乡境内发现一处南方红豆杉古树群,平均树高31.2 m,平均冠幅11.9 m,生长势正常。其中胸围325~346 cm的3株,胸围205~220 cm的3株,符合古树认定标准,但尚无古树档案记录和挂牌保护。课题组以文献追踪法和访谈估测法进行综合调查考证,包括研读墓志铭、查阅族谱等书面证据和实地走访当地乡邻等,确定其树龄为302~422年,栽植于公元1601至1721年,即明朝万历29年至清朝康熙60年。
Taxus wallichiana var.mairei is a Class I national protected plant species.In late June,2023,a T.wallichiana var.mairei ancient forest was discovered in Lingnan Township,Xiuning County in Huangshan City by the survey and specimen collection group for Anhui provincial protected plant species,with the average tree height,width and growth potential of 31.2 m,11.9 m and normal respectively.Three of the trees with the bust between 325 cm and 346 cm and three other ones with the bust between 205 cm and 220 cm met the ancient tree standard,but had no official records or ancient tree protection plates.The document tracking and interview estimation methods were adopted to trace and decipher the local tombstone inscriptions and genealogy book and pay field visits to local old fellow villagers for more information regarding these ancient trees.Comprehensive investigation and textual research confirmed the ancient forest was the deserted ancient Choukengshan Village entrance waterside forest aged 302 to 422,planted in early days of the village by the ancestors of the Hu family Choukengshan branch in the year between 1601 and 1721,the period from the 29th year of Emperor Wanli in Ming Dynasty to 6Oth year of Emperor Kangxi in Qing Dynasty.
ZHOU Yeyong;DING Zengfa(Anhui Academy of Forestry,Hefei 230031,Anhui,China)
Anhui Forestry Science and Technology
Taxus wallichiana var.mairei
Ancient forest
Ancient village entrance waterside forest