
外卖餐饮业店铺分布特征及其影响因素——以长沙市中心城区为例 被引量:1

Distribution Characteristics and Influencing Factors of the Takeaway Catering Industry:Taking the Central Urban area of Changsha as an Example
摘要 文章基于“饿了么”外卖平台开放数据接口,获取2019、2023年长沙市中心城区内外卖餐饮店地理位置信息,在解析外卖餐饮店的时空变化及集聚特征基础上,运用空间滞后模型(SLM)、空间误差模型(SEM)探讨其时空分布的影响因素。研究发现:(1)长沙市外卖餐饮业分布由“一主两副”形态逐步演化为“多核心网络结构”现状格局,“网络化、均衡化”态势明显。(2)不同类型菜系外卖餐饮业态演化特征差异明显,地方菜高度集中于城市传统商业中心;外国菜依赖居民区、商圈形成聚集区;快餐小吃集聚区逐渐增多,与城市外卖餐饮总体变化趋势相符。(3)人口密度、地铁站、购物中心、休闲和娱乐设施等对外卖餐饮业总体空间格局起到主要解释作用,而房价、超市、公司企业、机关团体、高校、风景名胜、住宿服务等因素的影响相对较弱。各相关因素对不同类型外卖餐饮业的影响强弱不同,对快餐小吃影响最大,其次是外国菜,地方菜最小。 Based on the data of Eleme takeaway platform,this paper obtains the geographic location information of takeaway restaurants in central Changsha City in 2019 and 2023,and analyzes the spatio-temporal distribution and agglomeration characteristics of takeaway restaurants,and explores their influence factors by the means of the spatial lag model(SLM) and the spatial error model(SEM).The study shows that:1)The distribution pattern of takeaway restaurants in Changsha City has gradually evolved from the pattern of "one main and two widths" to the pattern of "multi-core network structure".The pattern of "networking and equalization" is obvious.2) There are obvious difference in the evolution characteristics of different types of takeaway restaurants,takeaway restaurants of local cuisine are highly concentrated in the city's traditional commercial centers,takeaway restaurants of foreign cuisine rely on residential areas,business districts to form an agglomeration,the gathering areas of fast food and snacks are gradually increasing,which is consistent with the overall change trend of urban takeaway restaurants.3) Population density,subway stations,shopping centers,leisure and entertainment facilities play a major role in explaining the overall spatial pattern of the takeaway catering industry,while the influence of factors such as housing prices,supermarkets,companies and enterprises,organizations and groups,colleges and universities,scenic spots,and lodging services is relatively weak.Related factors have the greatest impact on different type of the takeaway catering industry,the takeaway restaurants of fast food and snacks are the largest,followed by the takeaway restaurants of foreign cuisine,and the takeaway restaurants of local cuisine are the least.
作者 赵垚 叶强 莫正玺 杜卓阳 梁怡欣 万裕瑄 ZHAO Yao;YE Qiang;MO Zhengxi;DU Zhuoyang;LIANG Yixin;WAN Yuxuan(Hunan Key Laboratory of Urban and Rural Habitat Environmental Science in Hilly Areas,Changsha 410082,Hunan,China;School of Architecture and Planning,Hunan University,Changsha 410082,Hunan,China;Hunan Building Science and Technology International Science and Technology Innovation Cooperation Base,Changsha 410082,Hunan,China)
出处 《经济地理》 CSCD 北大核心 2023年第12期143-151,211,共10页 Economic Geography
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(51878252) 中国博士后科学基金第72批面上资助项目(2022M721092) 国家“十三五”重点研发计划重点专项(2019YFD1101305) 丘陵地区城乡人居环境科学湖南省重点实验室开发课题(HNU-SAP-KF220101)。
关键词 餐饮业 外卖线上平台 实体店铺 电子商务 城市商业空间 人口密度 传统商业中心 catering online platform of takeaway catering physical stores electronic commerce urban commercial space population density traditional business center
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