

The Historical Formation of Young Mao Zedong’s Political Education and“The Grand System of Thought”--Focus on his Generation of Cultural Subjectivity during the Hunan Period
摘要 青年时期,毛泽东“伟大之器”的潜质已不断显露和淬炼,由此积淀起他超群越辈的人生底色。系统梳理青年毛泽东在湘时期所受思想文化影响脉络,阐发他“伟大之器”的历史形成过程及其思想文化机制,可以发现:毛泽东早年厚植国学基础和历史文化根脉,建立了经世致用传统文化与中外新学时务相融通的自主知识体系,打下深厚政论学养根基;在知识和思想文化的吸纳中,青年毛泽东涵化出立足国家大政、胸怀天下的胸襟,深厚学养转化为探求救世治国真理的伟大主体动能;进一步地,在“五四”新文化运动的时代资源运用和经世致用湖湘文化的实践化催生中,以《湘江评论》卓越政论实践为集中彰显,毛泽东形成了有着坚定国家民族文化自信和开放包容胸襟的文化主体性。 During his youth,Mao Zedong's potential as a“weapon of greatness”was constantly revealed and refined,thus accumulating the color of his life that surpassed his peers.By systematically combing the ideological and cultural influences on young Mao Zedong during Hunan period and explaining the historical formation process of his“weapon of greatness”,it can be found that Mao Zedong,in his early years,planted the foundation of national education and the roots of history and culture.He established an autonomous knowledge system that integrates the traditional culture of the world and the Chinese and foreign new studies with current affairs.Therefore,he laid a deep foundation of political education.In his early years,Mao Zedong was able to develop the knowledge of the Chinese and foreign cultures.In the absorption of knowledge and ideology and culture,young Mao Zedong developed a mindset based on national politics and a concern for the whole world,and his profound knowledge was transformed into a great subjective kinetic energy to seek the truth of saving the world and governing the country.Furthermore,in the use of the resources of the“May Fourth Movement”and the practicalization of Hunan culture,Mao Zedong was able to develop his own political views.In the application of the resources of the“May Fourth Movement”and the practical application of Hunan culture to the world,with the excellent political practice of the“Xiang Jiang Review”as the central manifestation,Mao Zedong developed his cultural subjectivity with a firm national,ethnic cultural self-confidence,and an tolerant mind.
作者 阳美燕 YANG Meiyan(School of Journalism and Communications,Hunan University,Changsha 410082,China)
出处 《湖南大学学报(社会科学版)》 北大核心 2024年第1期96-102,共7页 Journal of Hunan University(Social Sciences)
基金 国家社会科学基金项目:红色报人群体的马克思主义传播史研究(1919-1949)(22BXW006)。
关键词 毛泽东 学养 自主知识体系 Mao Zedong study and personal development autonomous knowledge system
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