

Research on the coordinated development status of new urbanization and ecological civilization in western provincial cities
摘要 以2005—2018年西部11个省会城市为评价对象,采用熵值法评价其新型城镇化和生态文明建成水平,运用耦合协调度模型和相对发展度模型探究其协调发展和滞后状况,为进一步促进两者协调发展提供理论支撑。研究发现:1)西部省会城市的新型城镇化建设处于探索阶段,波动上升和时空分化的特征尤为明显,西南地区城市的得分普遍高于西北地区和黄河中游地区城市;2)各省会城市生态文明建设水平差距较大,基本以波动向前式发展,生态文明建设水平的地区差距较大,邻近城市的发展水平和发展规律有靠近趋势;3)新型城镇化和生态文明间存在高水平耦合的密切关系,协调水平上升的趋势下普遍未达到相互促进的良好或优质协调;大部分城市的新型城镇化和生态文明间存在交替滞后的情况,且滞后有延续和强化趋势。在今后应注重对发展基础相对薄弱城市的引导发展,缩小区域和城市间的差异,从战略目标导向入手,加强新型城镇化和生态文明的协调建设。 This article took 11 provincial capital cities in the west from 2005 to 2018 as the evaluation objects,used the entropy method to evaluate the level of new urbanization and ecolog‐ical civilization,and used the coupling coordination degree model and relative development de‐gree model to explore their coordinated development and lag status,providing theoretical sup‐port for further promoting the coordinated development of the two.Results show that:(1)the new urbanization construction of provincial capital cities in western China is in the exploratory stage,and the characteristics of rising fluctuation and space-time differentiation are particularly obvious.The scores of cities in southwest China are generally higher than those in northwest China and the middle reaches of the Yellow River;(2)There is a big gap in the level of ecologi‐cal civilization construction in provincial capitals,which basically develops in a fluctuating man‐ner.There is a big gap in the level of ecological civilization construction among different re‐gions,and the development level and development law of neighboring cities are close to each other;(3)There is a close coupling relationship between new urbanization and ecological civili‐zation at a high level,but the coordinated development generally fails to achieve good or highquality coordination of mutual promotion;There is an alternating lag between the new urbaniza‐tion and ecological civilization in most cities,and the lag tends to continue and intensify.In the future,we should focus on guiding the development of cities with relatively weak development foundation,narrow the differences between regions,and strengthen the coordinated construction of new urbanization and ecological civilization from the perspective of strategic goal orientation.
作者 邹亚锋 王淇 张倩 邓小璐 许章华 ZOU Yafeng;WANG Qi;ZHANG Qian;DENG Xiaolu;XU Zhanghua(College of Environment and Safety Engineering,Fuzhou University,Fuzhou 350108,China;School ofPublic Administration,Inner Mongolia University,Hohhot 010021,China.;Faculty of Geographical Science,Beijing Normal University,Beijing 100875,China)
出处 《世界地理研究》 北大核心 2023年第12期89-103,共15页 World Regional Studies
基金 内蒙古自治区自然科学基金项目(2020MS04016) 福州大学人才引进项目(XRC-22026)。
关键词 新型城镇化 生态文明 耦合协调发展 时空特征 西部省会城市 new urbanization ecological civilization coordinated development spatiotempo‐ral characteristics western provincial capital cities
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