

Application of Real-time Intelligent Seismic Processor in Xianyou ML5.0 Earthquake Sequence in Fujian Province in 2013
摘要 文中将实时智能地震处理系统(RISP)应用于福建仙游地震序列,处理了2013年8月至12月福建台网的连续波形数据。自动处理结果与人工编目结果进行了深入对比,全面评估了RISP系统对该地震序列的自动处理能力。RISP系统共产出615个地震,与人工编目匹配事件462个,对于ML≥1.0的地震,匹配率达到96.4%;漏检测事件282个,其中ML<1.0占比为94.7%;多检测事件162个,均为仙游序列地震事件。匹配事件地震参数统计结果表明:发震时刻偏差不超过1 s占比99.13%;震中位置偏差小于5 km占比98.69%;震源深度偏差在5 km内占比91.5%;震级偏差不超过0.5占比89.54%。通过该实例测试表明:现有观测条件下,利用RISP系统可以快速产出仙游地区ML≥1.0地震序列目录,地震目录完备性高,RISP系统产出地震参数精度与人工处理结果相当,可应用于大震应急、震后趋势判定等工作。 In this paper,the Real-time Intelligent Seismic Processor(RISP),an artificial intelligent(AI)based processing system was applied to the Xianyou earthquake sequence in Fujian to process the continuous waveform data of the Fujian network from August to December 2013.The automatic results were compared with the manual seismic catalogs to evaluate the processing capacities of the RISP system.During the period,a total of 615 earthquakes were processed by the system,fewer than the number of manual results.Among the automatic results,462 events were matched with manual results,the matching rate reached 96.4%for events with ML≥1.0;282 events were missed and 94.7%of them with ML<1.0;162 more events were detected,which were all belonged to Xianyou earthquake sequence.The statistical results of the source parameters showed that the proportion of data with the earthquake origin time deviation less than 1.0 s was 99.13%;the proportion of data with epicenter position deviation less than 5 km was 98.69%;the proportion of data with a depth deviation of the focal point less than 5 km was 91.5%;the proportion of data with a magnitude deviation less than 0.5 was 89.54%.This result shows that under the existing observation conditions,the RISP system can quickly produce catalogs of earthquake sequences with ML≥1.0,and the completeness of the earthquake catalogue is high.The accuracy of seismic parameters produced by RISP system is equivalent to that of manual processing,which can be applied to emergency response of large earthquake and post-earthquake trend determination.
作者 张燕明 张红才 陈惠芳 廖诗荣 ZHANG Yanming;ZHANG Hongcai;CHEN Huifang;LIAO Shirong(Fujian Earthquake Agency,Fuzhou 350003,China;Institute of Xiamen Marine Seismology,Xiamen 361000,China)
出处 《华南地震》 2023年第4期64-74,共11页 South China Journal of Seismology
基金 地震科技星火计划(XH21026Y)。
关键词 福建仙游地震 自动编目 RISP 深度学习 Xianyou earthquake sequence in Fujian Automatic cataloging RISP Deep learning
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