

Constitutional Boundaries of Application of Human Gene Enhancement Technique
摘要 人体基因增强技术应用与生育权、养育权、儿童权利密切相关,需要分别在基本权利保护范围和基本权利行使的限制两个层面,划定其内部宪法界限和外部宪法界限。内部宪法界限的划定,应当考量人体基因增强技术应用对人的自然出生的改变、对儿童权利和公共利益的影响等因素,结合该技术应用的具体类型作出综合判断;符合帕累托改进的生理增强和认知增强技术应用,可被纳入生育权和养育权的保护范围,而情感增强和外观增强技术应用须被排除在生育权和养育权的保护范围之外。在外部宪法界限上,基于儿童权利的国家保护义务,国家具有禁止实施情感增强和外观增强技术应用的义务,且这种义务的履行无须受法律保留原则的约束,可以通过制定法规、规章的方式禁止此类技术应用;对于生理增强和认知增强技术应用,其外部宪法界限的划定除了应当符合法律保留原则和比例原则外,还应当符合科技风险预防方面的要求,最高立法机关禁止基因增强技术应用的立法具有合宪性。 The application of human genetic enhancement technology is closely related to reproductive rights,parenting rights,and children's rights,and it is necessary to define their internal and external constitutional limits at two levels:the scope of protection of fundamental rights and the restriction of the exercise of fundamental rights.The delineation of internal constitutional limits shall take into account factors such as the changes in the natural birth of human beings,the impact on children's rights and public interests caused by the application of human gene enhancement technology,and make a comprehensive judgment based on the specific types of gene enhancement technology applications.The use of physiological enhancement and cognitive enhancement technology in accordance with Pareto improvement may be included in the protection of reproductive rights and parenting rights,while the application of affective enhancement and appearance enhancement techniques must be excluded from the protection of reproductive rights and parenting rights.In terms of external constitutional limits,the State has an obligation to prohibit the use of affective enhancement and appearance enhancement technologies,based on the obligation to protect the rights of the child,and the fulfillment of such obligations is not subject to the principle of legal reservation,and such applications can be prohibited by means of making administrative and local rules.As for the application of physiological enhancement and cognitive enhancement technology,the delineation of its external constitutional limits should not only comply with the principle of legal reservation and proportionality,but also meet the requirements of scientific and technological risk prevention,and the legislation of the supreme legislature prohibiting the application of genetic enhancement technology is constitutional.
作者 李海平 Li Haiping
机构地区 吉林大学法学院
出处 《法学》 北大核心 2024年第1期47-62,共16页 Law Science
基金 国家社会科学基金青年项目“人类基因编辑技术运用的宪法界限研究”(23CFX040) 吉林大学“新文科”创新团队项目“生物技术应用于人体的伦理与法律问题研究”(2021XWK05)的阶段性成果。
关键词 人体基因增强技术 宪法界限 生育权 养育权 儿童权利 human genetic enhancement technology constitutional limits reproductive rights parenting rights the rights of the child
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