

On the Online Distribution of Digital Works and Legal Response
摘要 认定发行行为的关键是作品交易过程中的所有权移转,而非作品的有形载体。借助NFT对数字作品的映射关系,NFT数字作品交易可以确认权利归属、反映产权变动以及公示交易结果,从本质上看NFT数字作品采取的是所有权移转交易模式。NFT技术与数字作品的结合为数字作品网络发行行为的认定扫清技术障碍,法律应从整体上予以回应。一方面,建构NFT数字作品的交易规则,其中在NFT数字作品的铸造环节加强平台的审核义务,并考虑引入担保规则以增强铸造者的责任承担能力;在首次销售环节构建数字作品的权利用尽原则;在转售环节可适时在立法层面确立追续权。另一方面,调整相关纠纷的司法适用,NFT数字作品与传统数字作品在传播方式、权利结构和责任认定方面存在差异,人民法院应关注其变化并从发行权和物权的角度调整相应的裁判思路。 The key to identify the distribution behavior is the transfer of ownership in the transaction process of the work,rather than the tangible carrier of the work.With the help of the mapping relationship between NFT and digital works,NFT digital works transactions can confirm the ownership of rights,reflect the change of property rights and publicize the results of transactions.In essence,NFT digital works adopt the ownership transfer transaction mode.The combination of NFT technology and digital works clears the technical obstacles for the identification of the online distribution of digital works,and the law should respond as a whole.On the one hand,the trading rules of NFT digital works are constructed,in which the audit obligations of the platform are strengthened in the casting process of NFT digital works,and the introduction of guarantee rules is considered to enhance the responsibility of the foundry;the principle of exhaustion of rights is constructed for digital works in the first sales link;and in the resale link,the right of pursuit can be established at the legislative level in due course.On the other hand,to adjust the judicial application of related disputes,there are differences between NFT digital works and traditional digital works in terms of mode of transmission,right structure and responsibility determination.The court should pay attention to these changes and adjust the corresponding judgment ideas from the perspective of distribution rights and property rights.
作者 彭真明 王少祥 PENG Zhenming;WANG Shaoxiang
机构地区 海南大学法学院
出处 《中国矿业大学学报(社会科学版)》 2023年第6期79-92,共14页 Journal of China University of Mining & Technology(Social Sciences)
基金 广东省哲学社会科学规划2023年度学科共建项目“数字经济时代企业数据财产权保护的制度建构研究”(项目编号:GD23XFX30)。
关键词 数字作品 NFT 数字藏品 网络发行 digital works NFT digital collection online distribution
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