

Serving China's Overall Diplomacy Chongqing in Practice
摘要 始终把加强党对外事工作的集中统一领导作为做好全市外事工作的根本保证。立足重庆自身资源赋,积极服务国家总体外交,努力在服务元首外交中作出重庆贡献,在服务主场外交中彰显重庆价值,在服务全球倡议中展现重庆担当。 We have consistently regarded strengthening the centralized,unified leadership of the Communist Party of China(CPC)over foreign affairs as the fundamental guarantee for effectively carrying out foreign affairs work in Chongqing.Leveraging Chongqing's own resources,we have actively supported the country's overall diplomacy,endeavored to contribute to the head-ofstate diplomacy,showcased Chongqing's value in serving home-ground diplomacy,and demonstrated Chongqing's responsibility in supporting global initiatives.
出处 《重庆与世界》 2024年第1期18-29,共12页 The World & Chongqing
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