

Yangguan:A Pass Facilitating Communication and Interaction between the Western Han Dynasty and Western Regions through the Dunhuang Jun-An Examination Based on Historical Records and Unearthed Documents
摘要 西汉敦煌郡阳关、玉门关的命名与设置布局应是仿照中原关隘布局而来的,即复制或者移植了中原地区的关隘名称与布局。而悬泉汉简所载“敦煌塞”很可能就是指阳关一带的边塞,也即阳关都尉所辖边塞。阳关是西汉中原前往西域地区使用最多的关隘。西汉敦煌郡九置组成的邮驿系统向东可通达长安,向西从最西端的龙勒置就近经由阳关出塞,又经文候鄣可抵达鄯善国伊循城,至此连接西域南道。这条阳关通道相对玉门关通道更便于通行,因而,阳关通道是文书传送之路,也是戍卒、施刑士来往之路,还是西汉与西域间通使、通商之路。因此,阳关应当是为了与西域诸国通使通商需要而设置的关隘,此后成为西汉中原与西域交流交往交融的一扇大门。 The naming and layout of Yangguan(阳关,lit.Sun Pass)and Yumenguan(玉门关,lit.Jade Gate Pass)in the Dunhuang Jun(敦煌郡,lit.Dunhuang County)of the Western Han Dynasty were likely modeled after the layout of passes in the Central Plains中原,essentially replicating or transplanting the naming and layout of passes in the Central Plains region.The term“Dunhuang Sai”(敦煌塞,lit.Dunhuang Pass)mentioned in the Xuanquan Hanjian(悬泉汉简,lit.Xuanquan Han bamboo slips)probably refers to the border pass in the vicinity of Yangguan,namely the border pass under the jurisdiction of the Yangguan Duwei(阳关都尉,lit.Yangguan Commandant).Yangguan was the most frequently used pass by those traveling from the Central Plains of the Western Han Dynasty to the Western Regions西域.The postal relay system comprised of nine stations established in the Dunhuang Jun of the Western Han Dynasty connected to the postal relay systems in other parts of the Western Han,providing a route that could reach Chang’an长安in the east.The westernmost station of the Dunhuang Jun,Longle Zhi(龙勒置,lit.Longle Station),was situated near Yangguan and served as the point of departure for journeys beyond the pass.Beyond Yangguan,the route passed through Wenhou Zhang(文候鄣,lit.Wenhou Place)and could reach the City of Yixun伊循城in the Kingdom of Shanshan鄯善国,thereby connecting to the Southern Route of the Western Regions西域南道.This Yangguan,in comparison to the Yumenguan,is more convenient for passage,serving as the route for the transmission of official documents,as well as the path for soldiers,executioners,and others coming and going.It is also the route for diplomatic missions and trade between the Western Han Dynasty and the Western Regions.Consequently,Yangguan should be regarded as a frontier post established to meet the needs of diplomatic missions and trade with various Western Regions.After its establishment,it became a significant gateway for communication,interaction,and integration between the Central Plains of the Western Han Dynasty and the Western Regions.
作者 魏迎春 郑炳林 WEI Ying-chun;ZHENG Bing-lin(Institute of Dunhuang Studies of Lanzhou University,Lanzhou Gansu 730020,China)
出处 《苏州大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 北大核心 2024年第1期176-182,共7页 Journal of Soochow University(Philosophy & Social Science Edition)
基金 国家社会科学基金冷门绝学研究专项学术团队项目“敦煌河西碑铭与河西史研究”(项目编号:21VJXT002)的阶段性成果。
关键词 西汉 阳关 敦煌郡 西域 the Western Han Dynasty Yangguan Dunhuang Junshi the Western Regions
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