
土壤环境监测中有害化学物残留及含量检测研究 被引量:3

Research on Residual and Content Detection of Harmful Chemicals in Soil Environmental Monitoring
摘要 土壤污染会对生态系统和人类健康产生严重威胁,因此对有害化学物质的残留和含量进行准确监测至关重要。文章首先介绍了土壤污染的来源和种类,深入分析了有害化学物质在土壤中的残留和迁移机制。接着,探讨了多种土壤环境监测技术,包括传统方法和先进技术以及自动化技术的应用。通过研究,强调了保护土壤环境的紧迫性,并呼吁采取可持续的解决方案来应对土壤污染问题。 Soil pollution poses a serious threat to ecosystems and human health,so it is crucial to accurately monitor the residue and content of harmful chemicals.The article fi rst introduces the sources and types of soil pollution,and deeply analyzes the residual and migration mechanisms of harmful chemicals in soil.Subsequently,various soil environmental monitoring technologies were explored,including traditional methods and advanced technologies,as well as the application of automation technology.Through research,the urgency of protecting the soil environment was emphasized,and sustainable solutions were called for to address soil pollution issues.
作者 尹风娟 Yin Fengjuan(Dongying Ecological Environment Service Center,Dongying 257091,China)
出处 《皮革制作与环保科技》 2024年第1期55-57,共3页 Leather Manufacture and Environmental Technology
关键词 土壤环境 监测 有害化学物 残留 含量检测 soil environment monitoring hazardous chemicals residues content detection
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