The topic of state building from the political-cultural perspective has not been discussed comprehen⁃sively in the history of New China before.Especially,how to construct and consolidate the Worker-Peas⁃ant alliance as a“National Political Community”at the discourse level.Based on the key moment of pro⁃motion of policies of Unified Purchase and Sale initiated after the General Line in the Transition Period proposed in 1953-1954,the study analyzes how didthe New Hunan Daily,utilized specific strategies through the discussion about“Xiang Zhanmei,”and produced three main stages of discourse through con⁃tinuous interaction with the public.The discussion reshaped the peasants’ideas and made them accept the basic vision of worker-peasant alliance and sold their grain to the state.Therefore,it represents the performative power of the state.This process of discourse construction partly protected the interests of the peasants,and there was not too much coercive force.It was a significant development in the early years of state building when the administrative power and resources were still imperfect.And it was an important manifestation of global political phenomenon of building the worker-peasant alliance.
Li Jing;Wu Yijia
Social Sciences in Guangdong