
论习近平文化思想的世界观和方法论 被引量:2

The Worldview and Methodology of Xi Jinping Thought on Culture
摘要 习近平文化思想既有文化理论观点维度的创新和突破,又对文化工作布局作了新部署、新要求,标志着我们党对中国特色社会主义文化建设规律的认识达到了新高度,为进一步做好新时代新征程宣传思想文化工作、担负起新的文化使命提供了强大思想武器和科学行动指南。习近平文化思想蕴含着丰富的世界观和方法论,其中坚持人民至上是习近平文化思想的价值立场,坚持自信自立是习近平文化思想的精神气质,坚持守正创新是习近平文化思想的发展路径,坚持问题导向是习近平文化思想的实践原则,坚持系统观念是习近平文化思想的思想方法,坚持胸怀天下是习近平文化思想的境界格局。习近平文化思想是一个开放的和发展的理论体系,必将随着中国式现代化的文化建设不断丰富和完善。 Xi Jinping Thought on Culture involves not only innovation and breakthroughs in the theoretical proposition of the cultural sector,but also arrangements and requirements concerning the work of culture.It demonstrates that our Party has reached a higher level in its understanding of the right way for the development of socialist culture with Chinese characteristics,providing us with strong intellectual tools and guidelines for rational actions to do a better job on the work of public communication and culture on the new journey of the new era,and to better shoulder the new cultural mission.Xi Jinping Thought on Culture contains a rich worldview and methodology,including the following aspects:adhering to the principle of putting the people first is the stance of Xi Jinping Thought on Culture;adhering to self-confidence and self-reliance is the spiritual temperament of Xi Jinping Thought on Culture;adhering to upholding fundamental principles and breaking new ground is the development path of Xi Jinping Thought on Culture;adhering to problem orientation is the practical principle of Xi Jinping Thought on Culture;adhering to systems thinking is the ideological method of Xi Jinping Thought on Culture;and adhering to a global vision is the grand outlook of Xi Jinping Thought on Culture.Xi Jinping Thought on Culture is an ideological system that remains open and keeps expanding,and it is bound to be enriched and further developed amid the cultural advancement of Chinese modernization.
作者 陈文旭 聂嘉琪 Chen Wenxu;Nie Jiaqi
出处 《河南社会科学》 北大核心 2024年第2期1-8,共8页 Henan Social Sciences
基金 国家社会科学基金一般项目“21世纪资本主义四大社会思潮的最新发展与理论批判研究”(19BKS031)。
关键词 习近平文化思想 世界观和方法论 中国式现代化 文化建设 Xi Jinping Thought on Culture Worldview and Methodology Chinese Modernization Cultural Advancement
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