Objective:To observe the delivery outcomes of primipara with the new type of supine midwifery in the second stage of labor under full labor analgesia(the total duration of labor,total incidence of fetal/neonatal complications,primipara's vital signs,incidence of labor trauma,and the average Apgar score of the newborn).Methods:A total of 60 primiparas who received labor analgesia during the whole labor process in the obstetrics department of our hospital from January 2019 to April 2022 were selected and grouped according to the differences in the position of the second stage of labor.30 cases in the control group were given free position in the second stage of labor under full-course labor analgesia,and 30 cases in the observation group were given the new type of supine position in the second stage of labor under full-course labor analgesia.,Neonatal Apgar score and total incidence of fetal/neonatal complications,maternal vital signs were measured before delivery and after delivery,and the numerical differences of the above indicators were compared.Results:The total duration of labor,the total incidence of fetal/neonatal complications,the vital signs after delivery,the incidence of delivery trauma,and the average Apgar score of newborns in the observation group were better than those in the control group(P<0.05).Conclusion:The new lying position midwifery in the second stage of labor under the full stage of labor analgesia of primipara is superior to the free position midwifery in the second stage of labor.The total duration of labor,the total incidence of fetal/neonatal complications,the incidence of labor trauma,the average Apgar score of newborns,and vital signs are worth popularizing.
Dong Zhiqin(Delivery Room,People's Hospital of Guanyun County,Lianyungang City,Guanyun Jiangsu,222200,China)
Women's Health Research
Labor Analgesia Throughout the Labor Process
New Supine Midwifery in the Second Stage of Labor
Delivery Outcomes