The school is an educational institution,where students are educated and learn under the guidance of teachers,but in some cases,students do not respect the rules set by the school.In many cases,students,while being in the school,during or out of the learning process,cause trouble,presenting behaviors that are contrary to the rules of the school,but also of the society in general.Students,trying to be as active as possible,present deviant behavior,not fulfilling the obligations presented by teachers,hindering the learning process,harassing others,and engaging in other behaviors,which are detrimental to the individual,the school,and society as a whole.The school should play a key role in creating a suitable and educational environment for students,in order to create valuable generations for the country.There are a number of internal and external factors that influence the behavior of individuals.In many cases,family factors and demographic factors in general play an important role in student behavior in the classroom.Parental education,employment,housing,and many other factors influence student behavior.The study of this problem aims to clarify the correlation of factors with deviant behaviors of students in the classroom.The focus of the study is on high school students.From the empirical results,it was found that there is a correlation between student residence and deviant behavior,student school level and deviant behavior,family structure and student behavior in the classroom.