
氡室氡浓度均匀性测试与评价 被引量:1

Test and Evaluation of the Uniformity of Concentration of Radon in a Radon Chamber
摘要 为确保氡室提供较好的氡浓度计量标准,氡室氡浓度均匀性评价是一个关键问题。基于氡观测数据的统计特征,提出了氡室氡浓度均匀性评价方法。氡浓度参考值根据各观测点结果采用迭代算法获得,用于分析各观测点结果的指标为相对百分比差异D(%)和Zeta分数(ζ)。在HD-6型多功能自控氡室中进行了两次均匀性测试,所得相对百分比差异均在±5%以内,Zeta分数|ζ|值均≤2。通过应用实例,证明了所提评价方法的可行性,为高精度氡室标准的研究奠定了基础。 Evaluation of the uniformity of concentration of radon in a radon chamber is a critical part to warranty the better metrological standard of radon concentration.Based on the statistical properties of radon observation data,a method for evaluating the uniformity of concentration of radon in a radon chamber was proposed.The reference value determination was made utilizing all results and an iterative algorithm.The indicators used to assess the results are the relative percentage difference D(%)and Zeta score(ζ).Two uniformity tests were conducted in the HD-6 multi-functional radon chamber,all the relative percentage differences were within ±5% and Zeta score |ζ| values were less than or equal to 2.According to the application example,the method proved to be very useful and laid the foundation for the research of high-precision radon chamber standards.
作者 冯杨洋 张雄杰 张叶 黄仁桂 冯丽 汤彬 FENG Yangyang;ZHANG Xiongjie;ZHANG Ye;HUANG Rengui;Feng Li;TANG Bin(Engineering Research Center of Nuclear Technology Application,Ministry of Education,East China University of Technology,Nanchang 330013,China;East China University of Technology,School of Nuclear Science and Engineering,Nanchang 330013,China;Earthquake Administration of Jiangxi,Nanchang 330039,China)
出处 《核电子学与探测技术》 CAS 北大核心 2023年第5期907-911,共5页 Nuclear Electronics & Detection Technology
基金 国家自然科学基金(12165001) 核技术应用教育部工程研究中心开放基金(HJSJYB2021-6) 东华理工大学实践教学类建设项目(DHSY-202208)资助。
关键词 氡室 均匀性 相对百分比差异D(%) Zeta分数(ζ) radon chamber uniformity relative percentage difference D(%) Zeta score(ζ)
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