

A Corpus-based Study on Fuzzy Language Translation in Legislative Texts
摘要 法律语言的模糊性是立法文本的显著特点,致使立法文本模糊语翻译成为法律翻译译者必须面对的翻译现实。国内外有关立法语言模糊语翻译的研究比较少,也仅停留在定性分析层面,鲜有定量分析和定性分析结合的探讨。因此,本文引入语料库分析方法,基于自建立法文本汉英平行语料库,重点探讨了以下三个问题:(1)立法文本模糊语英译时主要采用哪些翻译策略?(2)对于不同类型的立法文本模糊语,是否采用不同的翻译策略?(3)该种翻译策略是否存在不足,以及改进建议?研究发现:立法文本模糊语英译策略主要有三种:直译、增译和正说反译。其中,增译策略在立法文本模糊语英译时有可行性,而直译和正说反译的翻译策略无法解决立法文本模糊语英译时存在的模糊概念和模糊蕴含的问题。因此,本研究参考法律条文中模糊语确切化的方法,将立法文本模糊语英译策略总结为模糊对模糊策略、随文注释策略、法律解释策略和语境解释策略,以期拓宽模糊语翻译研究的视野,为立法文本模糊语英译研究提供一种新的途径。 The fuzziness of legal language is a prominent feature of legislative texts,which becomes a reality that translators must face when translating legislative texts.There are relatively a few researches on the translation of fuzzy language in legislative texts at home and abroad in a qualitative methodology.However,few research on the translation of fuzzy language in legislative texts can be found in a quantitative and qualitative way.Therefore,a corpus-based method will be taken in the research.Based on self-built Chinese-English Parallel Corpus of Legislative Text,this research focuses on the following three questions:(1)What translation strategies are mainly used in translating fuzzy language in legislative texts into English?(2)Are different translation strategies adopted for different types of fuzzy language in legislative texts?(3)Are there any shortcomings in this translation strategy and suggestions for improvement?The study demonstrates that there are three main strategies:literal translation,amplification and negation.Among them,the strategy of amplification is feasible,while the translation strategies of literal translation and negation can’t solve the problems of vague concepts and vague connotations in translating fuzzy language in legislative texts.Therefore,this research refers to the methods of defining fuzzy language in legal provisions,and summarizes the strategies of translating fuzzy language into English in legislative texts as fuzzy-to-fuzzy strategy,annotation strategy,legal interpretation strategy and contextual interpretation strategy in order to provide a new way for the study of the fuzzy language translation in legislative text.
作者 黄宇柱 HUANG Yuzhu(China University of Political Science and Law,Beijing)
出处 《译苑新谭》 2023年第2期212-224,共13页 New Perspectives in Translation Studies
基金 教育部产学合作协同育人项目“人机翻译交互模式下法庭口译实践课程建设”(项目编号202002278001) 中国政法大学MTI翻译硕士研究生教育教学改革项目“以翻译技术为导向的法律专题口译教学方案探讨”的阶段性成果。
关键词 立法文本模糊语 模糊语翻译 语料库 翻译策略 fuzzy language in legislative texts fuzzy language translation corpus translation strategy
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