

Sino-Japanese Buddhist Exchange and Tributary Relationship in the Early Ming Dynasty
摘要 唐代,日本向中国派遣遣唐使,与中国保持比较密切的关系,到894年日本停止派遣遣唐使,唐朝与日本之间的官方关系基本停止。明朝甫一建立,朱元璋就派遣使臣到日本宣谕,两国又开始了使节的往来,不过两国关系主要围绕朝贡、倭寇、海禁和佛教交流展开,屡经波折,非常复杂。 Song Lian,who was regarded as the head of civil servants in the early Ming Dynasty by Zhu Yuanzhang,recorded and wrote a large number of materials and biographies about Japanese monks who came to China in the early Ming Dynasty.These documents have become an important source for exploring Chinese and Japanese Buddhism in the early Ming Dynasty.According to Song Lian's records,there were two main types of Buddhist exchanges between China and Japan in the early Ming Dynasty.One was that some monks served as envoys of the two governments,and the other was that some Japanese monks came to China to study Buddhism.Serving as diplomats between the two countries,on the one hand,these Buddhist monks'activities carried political and diplomatic features,and on the other,they strengthened the religious and cultural exchanges between the two countries.Even under the circumstance that the rulers of the two countries were confronting each other,still they enabled the non-governmental cultural exchanges to continue to move forward.Japanese monks visited Chinese Zen monks all around China,studied Zen,and developed their own Zen Buddhism after returning to Japan;Chinese monks who entered Japan spread Buddhism and Zen practice widely there,and made great contributions to the development of Japanese Buddhism.
作者 赵伟 陈缘 Zhao Wei;Chen Yuan
出处 《海洋史研究》 2022年第2期139-160,共22页 Studies of Maritime History
基金 国家社科基金重点项目“明代佛教与儒学思想互动关系研究”(21AZJ001)阶段性成果。
关键词 佛教交流 遣唐使 两国关系 朝贡关系 朱元璋 Song Lian China-Japan Buddhist Exchange
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