

Diagnostic Value of Low and High Frequency Combined Ultrasound in Childhood Obesity
摘要 目的:探讨低高频联合超声在儿童肥胖症中的诊断价值。方法:选择172例正常儿童、52例超重儿童及60例肥胖儿童,比较三组腹壁脂肪厚度、腹腔内脏脂肪厚度、双肾周脂肪厚度,分析超重及肥胖组儿童与体质量指数(BMI)的相关性,评价早期诊断价值。结果:肥胖儿童腹部脂肪厚度较超重儿童增厚,超重儿童腹部脂肪厚度较正常儿童增厚,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05);儿童超重及肥胖最初以腹壁脂肪的厚度增加明显,随着肥胖程度的增加,逐渐出现腹内脂肪的沉积增多明显;超重及肥胖组儿童腹部厚度均与BMI之间呈正相关,P均<0.01;超重组儿童脐下和脐上腹壁脂肪厚度ROC曲线下面积分别为0.92和0.90;肥胖组儿童脐下和脐上腹壁脂肪厚度ROC曲线下面积均为0.99;腹壁脂肪厚度诊断价值较高。结论:低高频联合超声检查简便、可靠,可有效诊断及定量评价儿童肥胖症。 Objective:To explore the diagnostic value of low-high frequency combined ultrasound in childhood obesity.Methods:172 normal children,52 overweight children and 60 obese children were studied.Abdominal wall fat thickness,intra-abdominal fat thickness and perirenal fat thickness were compared among the three groups,and the correlation between overweight and obese children and body mass index(BMI)was analyzed to evaluate the value of early diagnosis.Results:The abdominal fat thickness of obese children was thicker than that of overweight children,and the abdominal fat thickness of overweight children was thicker than that of normal children,with statistical significance(P<0.05).In children with overweight or simple obesity,the thickness of abdominal fat initially increased,and with the increase of obesity degree,the deposition of abdominal fat gradually increased.Abdominal wall fat thickness,intra-abdominal fat thickness and perirenal fat thickness were positively correlated with BMI in overweight and obesity groups(P<0.01).The area under ROC curve of subumbilical and superumbilical abdominal fat thickness in super-recombinant children was 0.92 and 0.90,respectively;In the obesity group,the area under ROC curve of subumbilical and upper umbilical abdominal fat thickness was both 0.99 respectively.Abdominal fat thickness is of high diagnostic value.Conclusion:The combined ultrasonography of low and high frequency is simple,reliable and effective in the diagnosis and quantitative evaluation of childhood obesity.
作者 姚彩芳 陈晓康 陈泽坤 张敏 吕国荣 YAO Cai-fang;CHEN Xiao-kang;CHEN Ze-kun;ZHANG Min;LV Guo-rong(Department of Ultrasound,Xiamen Children’s Hospital,Fujian Xiamen 361006;Collaborative Innovation Center,Maternal and Child Health Service technology,Quanzhou Medical College,Fujian Province,Fujian Quanzhou 362000)
出处 《中国医疗器械信息》 2024年第2期17-19,26,共4页 China Medical Device Information
基金 厦门市儿童医院院级青年课题项目(课题名称:低高频联合超声在小儿肥胖症中的诊断价值及其应用,课题编号:CHP-2022-YRF-0002)。
关键词 超声 儿童 肥胖 BMI 脂肪 ultrasonic children obesity BMI fat
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