

Analysis of Chinese Patent Medicines for Colds in Children in Pharmacopoeia of the People′s Republic of China(2020 Edition)
摘要 目的:对2020版《中华人民共和国药典》(以下简称《药典》)中治疗儿童感冒的中成药进行分析,以期为临床合理用药和儿童中成药新品种开发提供依据。方法:系统检索《药典》,建立儿童感冒中成药数据库,对该数据库中中成药种类、剂型、用法用量、证型、主治症状进行描述性分析,并对不同证型中成药组成进行关联规则分析。结果:《药典》中共收录治疗儿童感冒中成药76种,包括儿童专用药35种,儿童成人共用药41种;包括颗粒剂、口服液、丸剂等13种剂型;包括风热感冒证、风热夹痰证、风寒夹痰证等9种证型。风热感冒证常见发热、咽痛等症,常用黄芩、金银花、连翘等药,以清热解毒、疏风散邪为主,配伍少量性温、味甘之品;风热夹痰证常见咯痰、咳嗽等症,常用苦杏仁、甘草、桔梗等药,以宣降肺气、化痰止咳为主,配伍清热解毒药。结论:《药典》中儿童专用中成药品种少、剂型少、用法用量不明确,部分证型中成药品种与临床实际不符。需要结合临床症状、体征,辨证选择最适合的中成药;新品种药物应专注于儿童专用中成药开发,并根据临床中出现的不同证型,开发针对性的中成药;完善各品种中成药的儿童具体用法用量。 Objective:The Chinese patent medicines for treating colds in children in Pharmacopoeia of the People′s Republic of China(2020 edition)(hereinafter referred to as Pharmacopoeia)were analyzed to provide a basis for rational clinical drug use and the development of new varieties of Chinese patent medicines for children.Methods:The Pharmacopoeia was searched systematically to establish a database of Chinese patent medicines for colds in children.The types,dosage forms,usage and dosage,syndrome types,and main symptoms of Chinese patent medicines in the database were descriptively analyzed,and the association rules of Chinese patent medicines with different syndromes were analyzed.Results:There are 76 kinds of Chinese patent medicines for the treatment of cold in children included in the Pharmacopoeia,including 35 kinds of special medicines for children and 41 kinds of medicines for children and adults.There are 13 dosage forms of granules,oral liquid,and pills and nine syndromes of wind-heat cold syndrome,wind-heat phlegm syndrome,and wind-cold phlegm syndrome.Fever,sore throat,and other diseases are common in wind-heat cold syndrome.Scutellaria baicalensis,honeysuckle,forsythia,and other drugs are commonly used,mainly clearing heat and detoxifying,dispelling wind,and dispersing evil,and a small number of medicines with a warm nature and sweet taste are added.Phlegm,cough,and other symptoms are common in wind-heat phlegm syndrome.Almond,licorice,platycodon,and other drugs are commonly used to reduce lung Qi and relieve phlegm and cough,combined with heat-clearing and detoxicating drugs.Conclusion:In Pharmacopoeia,there are fewer varieties,insufficient dosage forms,and unclear usage and dosage of Chinese patent medicines for children.The number of varieties of Chinese patent medicines for some syndromes is not consistent with the clinical practice.The most suitable Chinese patent medicine treatment should be selected according to clinical symptoms and signs.New varieties of drugs should focus on the development of Chinese patent medicines for children,and targeted Chinese patent medicines should be developed according to different syndromes in clinical practice.In addition,the specific usage and dosage of Chinese patent medicines for children should be improved.
作者 张依 李璇 胡思源 ZHANG Yi;LI Xuan;HU Siyuan(The First Affiliated Hospital of Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine/National Clinical Research Center for Chinese Medicine Acupuncture and Moxibustion,Clinical Trial Center,Tianjin 300381,China)
出处 《世界中医药》 CAS 2023年第23期3406-3410,3417,共6页 World Chinese Medicine
基金 “十三五”国家科技重大专项(2020ZX09201-008)——重大新药创制项目。
关键词 《中华人民共和国药典》 儿童 感冒 中成药 用法用量 用药规律 频次分析 关联规则 Pharmacopoeia of People′s Republic of China Children Cold Chinese patent medicine Usage and dosage Medication rules Frequency analysis Association rules
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