
基于工程设计的跨学科实践活动设计思路与实施策略 被引量:2

Design Idea and Implementation Strategy of Interdisciplinary Practical Activity Based on Engineering Design
摘要 依据工程设计的思路开展跨学科实践活动可为落实新课程的理念和要求提供有力支撑。工程设计的内涵要点包括:识别和界定工程问题,为设计解决方案制定标准和限制;开发可能的解决方案,尝试将解决方案可视化;优化设计方案,在多种可能的解决方案中比较和权衡,反复迭代改进设计;科学与工程既有区别也有共性,共同推动社会进步。基于工程设计的跨学科实践活动思路框架包括问题情境、设计方案、优化迭代、走向社会四个学习环节。情境学习是跨学科实践活动设计的基础,学科融合是跨学科实践活动遵循的线索,合作实践是跨学科实践活动开展的方式,多元评价是跨学科实践活动实施的关键。 Interdisciplinary practical activity based on engineering design can provide support for implementing the idea and requirement of new curand employriculum.Core elements of engineering design include identifying and defining engineering problem and setting standards and constraint for solutions,developing possible solutions and trying to visualize them,optimizing design plan and comparing and weighing possible solutions to seek for improvement,and employing science and engineering to promote social progress.The framework of the activity includes four states:problem scenario,designing plan,iteration and improvement,and going to society.For the design,contextual learning is the basis,disciplinary integration is the clue,cooperative practice is the way and multiple evaluation is the key.
作者 张颖之 Zhang Yingzhi
出处 《课程.教材.教法》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第1期114-119,共6页 Curriculum,Teaching Material and Method
基金 教育部人文社会科学2020年度青年基金项目“中国青少年STEM职业期望状况及影响因素研究”(20YJC880127)。
关键词 跨学科实践 工程设计 新课程 学科融合 合作实践 interdisciplinary practical activity engineering design new curriculum disciplinary integration cooperative practice
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