

Crisis and Choice in Development:Three Major Reforms in the Modernization Process of Bolivia
摘要 20世纪后半期以来,玻利维亚曾进行过三次重大的改革:1952—1964年“民族主义革命运动”政府的改革、1985—2005年的新自由主义改革、2006—2019年“争取社会主义运动”政府的改革。三场改革的结果表明,在发展中国家的现代化进程中,须正确处理好国家干预与市场调节、经济增长与收入分配、融入国际市场与保持经济自主的关系。 Since the second half of the 20th century,Bolivia has carried out three major reforms,namely,the reform of the Revolutionary Nationalist Movement(MNR)administration in 1952-1964,the neo-liberal reform in 1985-2005,and the reform of the Movement towards Socialism(MAS)administration in 2006-2019.The results of the three reforms show that in the modernization process of developing countries,it is necessary to correctly handle the relationship between state intervention and market regulation,economic growth and income distribution,and integration into the international market and maintenance of economic autonomy.
作者 董经胜 Dong Jingsheng(Peking University,Beijing 100871,China)
机构地区 北京大学
出处 《国家现代化建设研究》 2023年第6期142-157,共16页 Journal of Modernization Studies
关键词 “民族主义革命运动” “争取社会主义运动” 新自由主义 民粹主义 Revolutionary Nationalist Movement Movement towards Socialism Neo-liberalism Populism
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