

Bioinformatics Analysis of the Transcriptome of Young Leaf of Vaccinium ashei‘Gardenblue’
摘要 为探索兔眼蓝莓品种‘园蓝’遗传信息,本研究利用高通量测序技术对贵州栽培的‘园蓝’幼叶转录组进行了测序和生物信息学分析。共获得约1.4 Gb的纯净数据,拼装了32093条unigenes。GO数据库注释到的unigenes涉及生物学过程、细胞成分及分子功能相关的48种生理代谢功能;27137条unigenes能被KOG数据库注释,涉及25条代谢通路;9525条unigenes能被KEGG数据库成功注释,涉及5个功能大类、19个功能中类、128条代谢通路;25418条unigenes可被NR数据库注释;18309条unigenes可被SwissProt数据库注释。以上4个数据库共注释到25447条unigenes,占全部unigenes的79.29%;被以上4个数据库均注释到的unigenes为8846条,占全部unigenes的27.56%。同时,生物信息学分析还显示:全部unigenes中,有758条unigenes编码转录因子,涉及51个家族;2085条unigenes编码抗性基因,涉及17个家族。共检测到4827个SSR位点,其中二碱基重复的SSR位点达3165个,占SSR位点总数的65.57%;三核苷酸为1431条,占比29.65%;四核苷酸、五核苷酸、六核苷酸共231条,占比4.79%。以上研究结果对了解兔眼蓝莓‘园蓝’的生长发育、生理生化等分子机制,对进一步进行兔眼蓝莓分子方面的相关研究均具有较高的参考价值。 To obtain the genetic information of Vaccinium ashei‘Gardenblue’,the transcriptome of the young leaves of‘Gardenblue’cultivated in Guizhou was sequenced by high-throughput sequencing technology.Bioinformatics analysis was carried out on the sequencing data.About 1.4 Gb of pure data were obtained,and 32093 unigenes were assembled.The unigenes annotated in GO database are related to totals of 48 physiological and metabolic functions related to biological processes,cell components and molecular functions.27137 unigenes could be annotated by KOG database,involving 25 metabolic pathways.9525 unigenes could be annotated successfully in KEGG database,involving 5 functional classes,19 functional mesoclasses and 128 metabolic pathways.25418 unigenes could be annotated by NR database.18309 unigenes could be annotated by SwissProt database.A total of 25447 unigenes were annotated from the above four databases,accounting for 79.29% of the total unigenes.8846 unigenes were annotated by the above four databases,accounting for 27.56% of all unigenes.At the same time,bioinformatics analysis also showed that there were 758 unigenes encoding transcription factors,involving 51 families.There were 2085 unigenes coding resistance genes,which involved 17 families.A total of 4827 SSR loci were detected,including 3165 two-base repeats,accounting for 65.57% of the total number of SSR loci,followed by 1431 trinucleotides,accounting for 29.65%.There were 231 tetranucleotides,pentanucleotides and hexanucleotides,accounting for 4.79%.The results have a strong reference value for understanding the growth and development,physiological and biochemical mechanisms of Vaccinium ashei.
作者 武玉祥 文光琴 王芳 万合锋 Wu Yuxiang;Wen Guangqin;Wang Fang;Wan Hefeng(Biological Institute of Guizhou Province,Guiyang,550000)
出处 《分子植物育种》 CAS 北大核心 2024年第3期728-739,共12页 Molecular Plant Breeding
基金 贵州蓝莓产业技术创新战略联盟项目(黔科合体科特派CLM[2014]) 黔生所科技计划项目(S2018-01) 贵州科学院科研基金项目(黔科院J合字[2020]04号,黔科院科专合字[2018]7号)共同资助。
关键词 兔眼蓝莓 转录组 生物信息学 Vaccinium ashei Transcriptome Bioinformics
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