
锶同位素溯源植物遗存产区的研究进展及对清宫道地药材溯源的启示 被引量:1

Research progress on strontium isotope-traced plant remains production areas and implications for traceability of Dao-di herbs in Forbidden City of the Qing Dynasty
摘要 锶同位素(87Sr/86Sr)溯源技术目前已广泛应用于动物遗存与现代食品产地溯源研究,但由于样品的污染与清洗问题,仅有较少的植物遗存溯源工作中应用此技术。故宫博物院保存有1000余件清宫药材文物,是研究道地药材不可多得的珍贵材料。清宫药材得益于良好的保存环境,能够避免外源锶污染的问题,因此能够在其溯源研究中引入锶同位素技术。在此基础上,该文将论述锶同位素溯源技术的原理,并总结了目前锶同位素溯源植物遗存的研究进展。此外,该文讨论了锶同位素应用于清宫药材溯源研究时遇到的锶同位素比值地图的绘制、溯源结果区域范围大、样品的污染与清洗3个关键性问题及相应解决办法。清代文献史料是了解清代道地药材的分布与应用的重要依据,在文献研究基础上,锶同位素溯源清宫药材产区为相关研究提供了实物证据。文献史料与药材文物二重证据共同溯源清宫药材的来源产区,将为清代道地药材研究提供新的视角,同时也为道地药材产区变迁研究提供参考。 Strontium isotope(87S/86Sr) tracing technology has been widely used in animal remains and origin of modern food origin sources. However, due to the problems of sample contamination and cleaning, this technology has been applied less frequently in the tracing of plant remains. The Palace Museum preserves more than 1 000 relics of medicinal materials from the Forbidden City of the Qing Dynasty, which are rare precious materials for the study of Dao-di herbs. The well-preserved environment of these medicinal materials in the Forbidden City of the Qing Dynasty helps avoid external strontium contamination, making it possible to introduce strontium isotope technology in their tracing research. On this basis, this study discussed the principle of strontium isotope tracing technology and summarized the current research progress on tracing plant remains using strontium isotope. In addition, this study discussed three key problems and their respective solutions encountered when applying strontium isotope technology to the tracing research on medicinal materials from the Forbidden City of the Qing Dynasty: creating strontium isotope ratio maps, dealing with the wide range of traceable results, and addressing the sample contamination and cleaning challenges. The literature and historical materials of the Qing Dynasty are the important basis for understanding the distribution and application of Dao-di herbs in the Qing Dynasty. Based on literature research, the use of strontium isotope to trace the producing area of medicinal materials in the Forbidden City of the Qing Dynasty can provide physical evidence for relevant research. The combined evidence of historical materials and medicinal relics is expected to provide a new perspective for the study of Dao-di herbs in the Qing Dynasty and also provide a reference for the study of the revolution of Dao-di herbs producing areas.
作者 姜云璐 彭华胜 杨滨 JIANG Yun-lu;PENG Hua-sheng;YANG Bin(State Key Laboratory for Quality Assurance and Sustainable Use of Dao-di Herbs,National Resource Center for Chinese Materia Medica,China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences,Beijing 100700,China;Key Scientific Research Base of Traditional Chinese Medicine Heritage(Institute of Chinese Materia Medica,China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences),State Administration of Cultural Heritage,Bejing 100700,China;Institute of Chinese Materia Medica,China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences,Beijing 100700,China)
出处 《中国中药杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第1期39-45,共7页 China Journal of Chinese Materia Medica
基金 国家重点研发计划项目(2022YFC3500904) 中央本级重大增减支项目(2060302) 国家中医药管理局中医药创新团队及人才支持计划项目(ZYYCXTD-D-202005)。
关键词 锶同位素 87Sr/86Sr 本草考古 道地药材 产区溯源 strontium isotope 87S/86Sr herbal medicine archaeology Dao-di herbs geographical traceabilty
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