

International law obligations for the disposal of Fukushima nuclear‑contaminated water under the principles of nuclear safety
摘要 日本福岛核污染水处置是重大的国际核安全问题,具有显著的跨国界影响,不仅需要遵守海洋法,更需要遵守国际法上的核安全原则。核安全原则是国际和国内核法律的首要原则,既可以适用于核设施也可以适用于核活动。核安全原则受到国际国内法律的全面认同,具有广泛的法律约束力。日本的核污染水排海行为违反了核安全原则下的最优化防护、合理可行尽量低、预防等各项义务。日本政府拉拢并利用国际原子能机构,通过限缩评估范围、偷换核心概念、屏蔽不同意见等方式逃避履行最优化防护义务。在缺乏明确辐射标准情况下,自行其是而未履行合理可行尽量低义务。福岛核污染水排放入海将给包括当地民众在内的世界各国带来迫在眉睫的危险和难以预测的风险。核安全原则下福岛核污染水的处置上,日本与国际原子能机构应履行的国际法义务包括,贯彻最优化防护义务、完善合理可行尽量低义务的标准、通过多边合作落实预防义务等方面。具体而言,应重新比较和评估目前技术上可以获得的最可靠处置技术与方法,通过对各种方案的综合评价,以贯彻最优化防护义务。合理可行尽量低义务的标准要求尽量降低对于人类健康、生计和环境的负面影响不能让位成本低、费用少的考量。应从建立完善的核污染水排海多边长期监测机制、通知与协商义务、定期进行审查评估等方面推动多边合作。三哩岛和切尔诺贝利核电站发生事故之后,上述国际法义务亦得到了履行。核安全原则的内涵符合中国倡导的核安全人类命运共同体理念。对于不遵守国际法上核污染水处置义务、危害核安全人类命运共同体的违法现象,中国也可以依靠自身的力量通过自助的方式来推动应有义务得以履行。 The disposal of contaminated water from Japan’s Fukushima nuclear power plant is a major international nuclear safety is-sue with significant cross-border implications,which requires compliance not only with the law of the sea,but also with the principles of nuclear safety under international law.The principles of nuclear safety are the overarching tenet of international and China’s domestic nuclear laws and can be applied to both nuclear facilities and activities.The principle of safety in nuclear activities is fully recognized in international and domestic laws and has broad legal binding force.Japan’s discharge of nuclear-contaminated water into the sea is in violation of its obligations under the principle of safety in nuclear activities,such as optimum protection,as low as reasonably practica-ble,and prevention.The Japanese government and the International Atomic Energy Agency(IAEA)have violated the obligation of opti-mum protection by limiting the scope of assessments,substituting core concepts,and shielding dissenting views.In the absence of clear radiation standards,they have acted on their own without fulfilling the obligation of the as low as reasonably practicable principle.The discharge of Fukushima nuclear-contaminated water would pose an imminent and unpredictable risk to all countries of the world,in-cluding Japanese residents.Japan and the IAEA should fulfill their obligations under international law with regard to the disposal under the principles of nuclear safety,including optimum protection,as low as reasonably practicable,and prevention through multilateral co-operation.Specifically,the obligation to provide optimum protection should be implemented by re-comparing and evaluating the most re-liable disposal technologies and methods currently available and by comprehensively evaluating various options.The standard of the as low as reasonably practicable obligation requires that the minimization of negative impacts on human health,livelihoods,and the envi-ronment should not be subordinated to considerations of cutting cost and expense.Multilateral cooperation should be promoted in terms of the establishment of sound multilateral long-term monitoring mechanisms for the discharge of nuclear-contaminated water,notifica-tion and consultation obligations,and periodic reviews and assessments.These obligations under international law were also fulfilled af-ter the accidents at the Three Mile Island and Chernobyl nuclear power plants.The implications of the principles of nuclear safety are in line with the concept of building a community of a shared future for nuclear safety advocated by China.For violations of international law on the disposal of nuclear-contaminated water that jeopardize the concept of a community of a shared future for nuclear safety,Chi-na can also rely on its own strength to promote the implementation of due obligations through self-help.
作者 龚微 GONG Wei(Law School,Southwest University,Chongqing 400715,China)
机构地区 西南大学法学院
出处 《中国人口·资源与环境》 CSCD 北大核心 2023年第11期163-173,共11页 China Population,Resources and Environment
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目“人类命运共同体理念下我国核安全治理体系和治理能力现代化研究”(批准号:20&ZD162) 教育部人文社科一般项目“碳达峰碳中和承诺下国家温室气体减排义务研究”(批准号:21YJA820010)。
关键词 核安全原则 核污染水处置 最优化防护 预防 合理可行尽量低 principles of nuclear safety disposal of nuclear-contaminated water optimum protection prevention as low as reasonably achievable
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