

Rules of acupoints selection of acupuncture and moxibustion for treatment of epilepsy based on complex network and data mining
摘要 目的运用复杂网络方法探析针灸治疗癫痫的核心腧穴及配伍规律。方法检索中国知网、维普、万方、Web of Science、EMBASE及Pubmed数据库,依据纳入与排除标准筛选文献并建立处方数据库。运用SPSS Modeler软件分析腧穴频次与关联性,运用Gephi0.10.1软件建立复杂网络模型,探析针灸治疗癫痫处方核心腧穴与选穴规律。结果最终纳入有效文献144篇,提取199个处方,涉及102个腧穴。百会穴使用频次最高,特定穴以五腧穴、八脉交会穴、背俞穴为主,经络选择上督脉选择的腧穴最多。关联规则分析显示,百会-太冲支持度及置信度最高。复杂网络拓扑结构分析表明,百会、大椎、腰奇、丰隆等36个腧穴为针灸治疗癫痫的核心腧穴。腧穴社团分析显示,督脉循经治痫群、四肢头部远近配穴群及脏腑津液辨证群为针灸治疗癫痫的3大腧穴群。结论针灸治疗癫痫的腧穴配伍要以督脉为主结合脏腑津液辨证选穴,要注重远近配穴的选穴思路。 Objective To explore the core acupoints and compatibility rules of acupuncture and moxibustion for epilepsy by using complex network method.Methods A prescription database was established through inclusion and exclusion criteria for searching literatures for databases from China National Knowledge Infrastructure,VIP,Wanfang,Web of Science,EMBASE,and Pubmed.SPSS Modeler software was used to analyze the frequency and correlation of acupoints,and Gephi0.10.1 software was used to establish a complex network model to explore the core acupoints and acupoint selection rules of prescriptions for epilepsy.Results Ultimately,144 valid literatures were included,199 prescriptions were extracted,involving 102 acupoints.Baihui acupoint had the highest frequency of use,specific acupoints were mainly Five-shu acupoint,the Eight Meridian Intersection acupoint,and the Back-shu acupoint.In selection of meridians,most acupoints were selected from governor meridian.Association rule analysis showed that Baihui-Taichong had the highest level of support and confidence.The analysis of complex network topology showed that 36 acupoints such as Baihui,Dazhui,Yaoqi and Fenglong were the core acupoints in the treatment of epilepsy by acupuncture and moxibustion.The analysis of acupoint communities revealed three major acupoint groups including governor meridian passing through treatment group,far and near matching acupoint group of the four limbs and head,and differentiation group of Zang-fu and body fluid for epilepsy treatment.Conclusion Acupoint compatibility of epilepsy by acupuncture and moxibustion should be mainly based on principle of the governor meridian combined with the differentiation of viscera and body fluid,and attention should be paid to distal-proximal point association.
作者 于瑶 程光宇 程为平 汪金宇 丛迪迪 杜若齐 YU Yao;CHENG Guangyu;CHENG Weiping;WANG Jinyu;CONG Didi;DU Ruoqi(Graduate School of Heilongjiang University of Chinese Medicine,Harbin,Heilongjiang,150040;Epolepsy Diagnosis and Treatment Center,the First Hospital Affiliated to Heilongjiang University of Chinese Medicine,Harbin,Heilongjiang,150040;the Second Department of Acupuncture and Moxibustion,the First Hospital Affiliated to Heilongjiang University of Chinese Medicine,Harbin,Heilongjiang,150040)
出处 《实用临床医药杂志》 CAS 2024年第2期43-48,共6页 Journal of Clinical Medicine in Practice
基金 黑龙江省自然科学基金项目(LH2021H091) 黑龙江省中医药科研项目(ZHY19-021)。
关键词 针灸 癫痫 腧穴配伍 复杂网络 数据挖掘 acupuncture and moxibustion epilepsy acupoint compatibility complex networks data mining
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