

The Evolution of Biopolitics in the Context of Capitalist Development
摘要 生命政治思想起源于古希腊的身体与灵魂的思想,它长期被宗教政治和君主政治束缚,文艺复兴使得生命政治从神学走向世俗生活。资本主义工场工业劳动取代农业劳动后,资本主义国家机器为了维护工场工业劳动与社会稳定,与医学技术结合嬗变出医学生命政治。随着机器大工业劳动的崛起,资本国家机器和资本双重规训劳动者使得生命政治嬗变为资本主义性质的生命政治。当今非物质劳动已经产生,并获得劳动霸权,根据马克思的劳动思想,吸收自治马克思主义的非物质劳动思想,以非物质劳动为基础反对资本主义性质的生命政治;突破资本主义性质的生命政治的藩篱,并发展出自治马克思主义的生命政治。 Biopolitical thought,rooted in the ancient Greek concepts of body and soul,underwent a transformative journey from its dormant presence in religious and monarchial politics during an extended period.The Renaissance marked a pivotal shift,steering biopolitics away from theological considerations towards a focus on secular life.The advent of capitalist development,characterized by the replacement of serf labor with industrial labor in factories,prompted the integration of medical technology into the capitalist state machinery to facilitate the management of industrial labor.This fusion led to the emergence of medical biopolitics tailored to sustain the demands of capitalist production.As machine-driven industrialization progressed,the collaboration between the capitalist state machine and the dual-discipline labor force resulted in a natural evolution of biopolitics aligned with the interests of capitalism.The ascent of immaterial labor,coupled with its dominance in the labor landscape,gave rise to a form of biopolitics that resisted capitalist influence.Autonomous Marxists,drawing inspiration from Marx’s labor theory,introduced the concept of biopolitical labor,thereby shaping an autonomous biopolitical framework rooted in Marxist principles.However,the deviation from historical materialism has hindered the ability of autonomous biopolitics within Marxism to surmount the challenges posed by capitalism.This paper explores the intricate dynamics and evolution of biopolitics within the context of capitalist development,shedding light on the inherent complexities and the ongoing struggle for ideological alignment within Marxist thought.
作者 黄家裕 陶林 HUANG Jiayu;TAO Lin
出处 《阅江学刊》 2024年第1期38-48,172,共12页 Yuejiang Academic Journal
基金 国家社会科学基金项目“智能时代劳动的哲学研究”(21BZX033) 浙江省高校重大人文社科攻关计划项目“认知现象学的研究”(2021GH036)。
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