

The Formation and Development of Macao's Multilingual Landscape and the Evolution of Its Reflected Language Use
摘要 澳门地区开埠时葡籍人口占了一半,此后在澳葡政府管治的400余年间,葡语一直是澳门地区的唯一官方语言。从这个意义上,可以判断澳门地区的语言使用状况从一开始就是中葡双语。鸦片战争前后,由于英国在东亚的影响逐渐扩大,加上香港地区从20世纪开始成为一个国际化大都市,澳门地区在中葡双语的基础上又增加了英语,形成了迄今为止的中英葡三语格局。这一语言运用演变历程说明,任何国家和地方语言生态的形成都是当地政治、经济及社会因素长期竞争和妥协的结果。 According to several photographs of Macao region street scenes from the early part of the last century,combined with the changes in Macao's population figures and the influence of major historical events,it is found that the Portuguese population accounted for half of the population at the opening of Macao region port,and that Portuguese has been the only official language of Macao for more than four hundred years since then,under the rule of the Portuguese governments.Based on this,it can be judged that the language usage in Macao region was bilingual from the beginning.Around the time of the Opium War,due to the gradual expansion of British influence in East Asia and the fact that Hong Kong region became an international metropolis from the last century,English was widely used in Macao region,resulting in the trilingualism of Macao region.This pattern of language use is also reflected in the contemporary linguistic landscape of Macao region.This evolution of language use shows that the formation of any national or local language ecology is the result of long-term competition and compromise between local political,economic and social factors.
作者 张媛媛 罗言发 Zhang Yuanyuan;Luo Yanfa
出处 《河南大学学报(社会科学版)》 北大核心 2024年第1期99-105,155,共8页 Journal of Henan University(Social Sciences)
基金 国家社会科学基金青年项目“澳门语言政策的实践与居民身份认同关系研究”(21CYY013)阶段性成果。
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