

Comparative Analysis of Occupy Central Movement and the Turbulence over the Amendment Bill in Hong Kong,China
摘要 2014年的“占中运动”与2019年的“香港修例风波”,是自1997年香港回归后发生的两起规模较大的社会抗议运动。相同之处,两者都有大量的青年学生参与其中;反对派皆打着追求所谓“民主”的幌子,要求言论自由;背后都有境外势力暗藏其中;网络和媒体都在其中扮演着重要角色。不同之处,“占中运动”和“香港修例风波”两者性质不一,前者尚处在香港特区政府与警方控制下的和平静坐示威,后者却是一次彻底的暴力运动;两者的民意支持不一,“占中运动”前期虽然有数万人静坐,可到后期人数锐减,而“香港修例风波”几乎波及整个中国香港社会的民众,随着时间推移人数未有大幅减少,后者民意支持度显然比“占中运动”要高。结论,需通过立法途径完善香港特别行政区的反制体制机制。 The turbulence over the amendment bill in Hong Kong in 2014 and the turbulence over the amendment bill in Hong Kong in 2019 are two large-scale social protest movements that have taken place since the handover of Hong Kong in 1997.The similarities between them are:the involvement of a large number of young students;the opposition’s demand for freedom of expression under the guise of pursuing the so-called“democracy”;the presence of foreign forces behind the scenes;and the important role played by the Internet and the media.The differences are:The nature of the turbulence over the amendment bill in Hong Kong and the turbulence over the amendment bill in Hong Kong are different,the former is a peaceful sit-in demonstration under the control of the Hong Kong Government and the police while the latter is a completely violent movement;the public support for them are different,the former had tens of thousands of people sit-in in the early stage but the number of people dropped sharply later while the latter almost influenced the entire society and the number of people had not been reduced sharply with the passage of time,which had a higher public support than that of the former.The conclusion is that there is a need to improve the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region’s countermeasures in the institutional mechanism through legislative means.
作者 严明 Yan Ming(Shanghai Institute for International Studies,Shanghai 200030)
出处 《西部学刊》 2024年第4期18-21,63,共5页 Journal of Western
关键词 占中运动 香港修例风波 一国两制 Occupy Central movement Hong Kong’s Anti-Extradition Bill movement One Country Two Systems
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