

On Aesthetic Thought of Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty
摘要 唐太宗李世民美学思想的核心是“中和”。在文艺与政治关系的问题上,李世民持两种立场:其一,标举“合力”说,主张实现文艺的政治功能与审美功能的统一;其二,标举“独立”说,艺术不是政治,政治功能与审美功能可以分离。李世民为《玉树后庭花》这样的“亡国之音”翻案,其重大意义在于从根本上肯定了艺术的形式美。艺术终于在事实上真正地脱离政治而独立并且强大,中国艺术的辉煌由此开始。李世民的中和美学,从审美情趣上看主要体现在对两件艺术作品的对待上。第一件为《秦王破阵乐》,此件作品奠定了唐朝崇武尚文、崇拜英雄的审美风尚。《秦王破阵乐》不仅直接开启了中国的战争美学、军旅美学,而且开启了一种气壮山河的英雄美学。另一件为王羲之书法作品《兰亭集序》。李世民对此件作品的喜爱以及对它的论述充分表现出他的另一审美情趣,那就是兼容并取,刚柔相济,力韵相生,尽善尽美。李世民喜欢《兰亭集序》的原因也许还不是它的书法,而是从文章到书法透显出来的青春精神。李世民推崇《兰亭集序》、推崇王羲之,实质是在发动一场“文艺复兴”。李世民对于少数民族的认同与接纳,为中华民族共同的审美思想形成起了开路的作用。由于李世民的努力,唐代中国打通了陆上、海上丝绸之路,成为世界文化的集萃地,成为世界的中心。唐代中国让中华民族的审美情怀、文化情怀具有极大的国际性、开放性,这种情怀影响至今。 The core of the aesthetic thought of Li Shimin,Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty,was zhong he(中和,neutralization).On the relation between literature and politics,he held two positions:First,advocating the theory of he li(合力,joint force),he expected to realize the unification of political and aesthetic functions of literature and art;Second,advocating“independence”theory,he believes that art was not politics,and the political function of art can be separated from the aesthetic function.“Yu Shu Hou Ting Hua”(“玉树后庭花”,Yushu Backyard Flower)was long been regarded as a poem symbolizing the fall of the nation,but Li Shimin affirmed the aesthetic value of the poem,which showed that he attached great importance to the beauty of art form.Li Shimin's practice marked that Chinese art,with independent value,was free from politics.Li Shimin's zhong he aesthetics was mainly reflected in his evaluation of the two works of art.The first is the“Qin Wang Po Zhen Yue”(“秦王破阵乐”,the Music of King of the Qin Breaks a Battle Formation).This piece of work established the aesthetic fashion of worshipping martial arts and literature and hero worship in the Tang Empire.“Qin Wang Po Zhen Yue”turned the first page not only of Chinese war aesthetics and military aesthetics,but also of a heroic aesthetics of magnificence.The other work is Wang Xizhi's calligraphy work,“Lan Ting Ji Xu”(“兰亭集序”,A Preface to the Orchid Pavilion Collection).Li Shimin's adoration for this piece of calligraphy work and his discussion on it fully showed his other aesthetic taste,that is,a interpromoting relation between compatibility and conclusiveness,firmness and softness,as well as power and rhyme to achieve perfection.Li Shimin was filled with elation when appreciating the manuscript of the Preface to the Orchid Pavilion Collection because became visible in it,more than a masterpiece of calligraphy,a kind of youth spirit.Li Shimin held in esteem the Preface to the Orchid Pavilion Collection and its author Wang Xizhi,and,in essence,he was launching a cultural renaissance.The Emperor's recognition and acceptance of ethnic minorities played a pioneering role in the formation of an aesthetic thought mostly shared in Chinese nation.Thanks to his efforts,the Tang Empire opened up the Silk Roads both on land and at sea,making China a hub and center of world culture.The Tang Empire made most international and open the aesthetic and cultural feelings of the Chinese nation,which have so far persisted.
作者 陈望衡 CHEN Wang-heng
出处 《南京大学学报(哲学.人文科学.社会科学)》 北大核心 2023年第6期47-60,158,共15页 Journal of Nanjing University(Philosophy,Humanities and Social Sciences)
基金 国家社会科学基金重点项目(11AZD053)。
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