
中华优秀传统文化与高校思政教育融合发展的逻辑理路与实践进路 被引量:1

The Logic and Practical Approach to the Integration and Development of Excellent Traditional Chinese Culture and Ideological and Political Education in Universities
摘要 中华优秀传统文化是中华民族的精神命脉,是中国国民价值取向、思想风貌以及行为特征的生动诠释。作为实践基础上中华民族智慧的结晶,其中独具特色的民族人格以及精神气节都是当代高校思政教育的宝贵素材。中华优秀传统文化与马克思主义基本原理相结合,与中国特色社会主义道路相结合,使中华优秀传统文化更加凸显了它的当代意义。中华优秀传统文化蕴含的朴素价值观念与社会主义核心价值观相契合,对增强民族文化自信和民族凝聚力,对推进高校思政育人实践起着重要作用。推进中华优秀传统文化与高校思政教育融合发展,要坚持马克思主义的指导,挖掘中华优秀传统文化蕴含的丰富资源。在教育实践中,以现代化手段赋能情境性教学,涵育传统文化进课堂的教学环境,筑牢学生践行中华优秀传统文化的思想基础,在构建长效文化育人机制中发挥其培根铸魂作用。 The excellent traditional Chinese culture is the spiritual lifeline of the Chinese nation,and is a vivid interpretation of the value orientation,ideological style,and behavioral characteristics of the Chinese people.Therefore,as the crystallization of the wisdom of the Chinese nation based on practice,the unique national personality and spiritual integrity are valuable materials for contemporary ideological and political education in universities.The combination of excellent traditional Chinese culture with the basic principles of Marxism and the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics further elucidates the contemporary significance of excellent traditional Chinese culture.At the same time,the simple values contained in the excellent traditional Chinese culture are consistent with the values of scientific socialism,which plays an important role in enhancing national cultural confidence and national cohesion,and in continuing to promote the practice path of ideological and political education in colleges and universities.The integration and development of excellent traditional Chinese culture and ideological and political education in universities should be guided by adhering to the direction of Marxism in terms of form and content,and explore the rich resources contained in excellent traditional Chinese culture.In practice,modern methods are used to empower situational teaching,cultivate a teaching environment that incorporates traditional culture into the classroom,and establish a solid ideological foundation for students to inspire and practice the excellent traditional Chinese culture in reality.In building a long-term cultural education mechanism,it plays a nurturing and soul casting role.
作者 肖成笑 刘鑫 Xiao Chengxiao;Liu Xin(School of Western Languages Harbin Normal University)
出处 《教书育人(高教论坛)》 2024年第1期54-58,共5页
基金 黑龙江省哲学社会科学研究规划项目:“《中华思想文化术语》的译介策略与国际传播理路研究”(22XWB200)。
关键词 中华优秀传统文化 高等院校 思政教育 Excellent traditional Chinese culture Higher education institutions Ideological and political education
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