

Administrative Personnel:the Group that Higher Education Internationalization Cannot Be Ignored
摘要 在高等教育国际化范式向“在地国际化”“全面国际化”转型的背景下,行政管理人员正承担着日益关键的角色,且日益进入国外高等教育国际化评价指标视野。与高等教育国际化理念变化相适应,一些提升行政管理人员国际化水平的举措在西方发达国家受到较多关注,包括国际招聘、流动项目、合作互访、在地培训等。但目前我国政府和高校都尚未充分重视这一议题,实践中行政管理人员国际化培训存在机会差异大、理念培训薄弱、或然性强、尚未形成制度等特点,从而给我国高等教育国际化内涵提升带来了一定障碍。建议我国在政策导向、培训方式、国际招聘等方面加强改革力度,同时把行政管理人员视为与学术员工具有同等价值的合作伙伴,保证他们的决策参与权及国际化战略的知情权。 Under the background of higher education internationalization paradigm transforming to“internationalization at home”and“comprehensive internationalization”,the administrative personnel are playing an increasingly critical role and increasingly entering the index vision of the internationalization evaluation of higher education.In line with the change in the concept of higher education internationalization,some measures to promote the internationalization level of administrative personnel have attracted more attention in western developed countries,including international recruitment,mobile projects,cooperation and exchange visits,local training,etc.However,at present,the Chinese government and universities have not paid full attention to this issue.In practice,the internationalization of administrative personnel in China is still characterized by opportunity differences,weak concept training,strong randomness and institutional neglect,internationalization of administrative personnel,which brings some obstacles to the promotion of the internationalization connotation of higher education.It is proposed that we strengthen reforms in policy orientation,training methods,international recruitment,etc.At the same time,we should regard administrative personnel as partners with the same value as academic staff,ensuring their right to participate in decision-making and the right to know the internationalization strategy.
作者 房欲飞 魏芬 FANG Yufei;WEI Fen(Shanghai Academy of Educational Sciences,Shanghai 200032,China;Department of Teachers Affairs,University of Shanghai for Science and Technology,Shanghai 200093,China)
出处 《湖南人文科技学院学报》 2024年第1期116-122,共7页 Journal of Hunan University of Humanities,Science and Technology
基金 国家社科基金教育学一般项目“后疫情时代以‘在地国际化’加速我国国际化人才培养研究”(BIA210182)。
关键词 行政管理人员 高等教育国际化 在地国际化 全面国际化 administrative personnel internationalization of higher education internationalization at home comprehensive internationalization
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