

The Translation of New Youth Poetry and the Exploration of New Poetry Language
摘要 在外国诗歌翻译的影响下,《新青年》诗歌语言呈现出通俗化、句法功能的显性化、语言表意的复杂化的特征。学习西方民间诗歌语言,采纳对话的语言组织形式,大量语气词入诗带来的直白的情感表达方式,使《新青年》诗歌语言整体上呈现出鲜明的通俗化的特征,体现了五四思想启蒙与文学革命时代的话语特点。向译诗借鉴,新诗讲究语法组织,句法诗性功能得以显现化;现代人称代词的诗性引领功能、修饰成分的诗意扩充,使新诗呈现出与传统诗歌不同的现代表达方式。语义结构的整体关联与欧化的文法带来语言表意的复杂化,增加了诗歌的凝练度和内在诗意。译诗的语言借鉴影响了中国新诗语言观念的现代变革,提升了中国新诗语言的表现力,拓展了新诗语言表达方式,丰富了新诗语言表意功能,为滥觞期中国新诗形式建构带来了生机和活力。 Under the influence of foreign poetry translation,the poetic language of New Youth showed the characteristics of popularization,the manifestation of syntactic function and the complexity of linguistic representation.Learning the language of western folk poetry,adopting the form of dialogue language organization,and the direct expression of emotions brought by a large number of modal words into poems,made the poetry language of Nezu Youth show a feature of popularization on the whole,reflecting the discourse characteristics of enlightenment of the May Fourth Movement and the era of literary revolution.Learning from the translated poems,the new poems paid attention to the grammatical organization,and the poetic function of syntax could be manifested;the poetic leading function of modern personal pronouns and the poetic expansion of modifying elements made the new poetry present a modern expression way different from the traditional poetry.The whole relation of semantic structure and the Europeanized grammar brought a bout the complexity of linguistic representation,and made the poetry more condensed,and more poetic.The language reference of translated poetry influenced the modern reform of the language concept of Chinese new poetry,improved the expressive force of Chinese new poetry language.expanded the expression mode of new poetry language,enriched the expressive function of new poetry language,and brought vitality and energy to the establishment of Chinese new poetry form at the beginning.
作者 王泽龙 王璐 Wang Zelong;Wang Lu
出处 《天津社会科学》 北大核心 2024年第1期75-84,175,176,共12页 Tianjin Social Sciences
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目“中国新诗传播接受文献集成、研究及数据库建设(1917—1949)”(项目号:16ZDA240)的阶段性成果。
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