
创新型农产品产销体系:促进小农户与现代农业发展有机衔接 被引量:3

Innovative Agricultural Production and Marketing System:Promoting the Organic Connection between Smallholder Farmers and Modern Agriculture
摘要 实现小农户和现代农业发展有机衔接是我国推进农业农村高质量发展的必然要求。本文以广东省德庆县农业特色产业发展实践为例开展案例研究,从政府、社会、组织以及市场赋能小农户的视角,分析了创新型农产品产销体系促进小农户与现代农业发展有机衔接的内在作用机制。研究发现:创新型农产品产销体系可由政府赋能小农户,通过建设农业产业链数字化平台,促进农产品生产过程的数字化、智能化管理,从而有利于农产品专业化、标准化生产;社会赋能小农户多元化种植和产业融合发展,通过范围经济提升农户抗风险能力,拓宽增收渠道,稳定收入水平;培育“新农人”,通过新型农业经营主体等组织带动小农户融入现代农业;市场赋能小农户,一方面通过农产品购销活动,接续产区小农户与消费市场,促进供需融合、产销对接,另一方面通过升级产地市场和开拓销区市场,链接小农户与大市场的互动关系,升级供应链与优化需求链,畅通流通渠道,实现小农户与现代农业发展有机衔接。 Realizing the organic connection between smallholder farmers and modern agriculture is an inevitable requirement to promote the high-quality development.This paper takes the development practice of agricultural characteristic industries in Deqing County,Guangdong province as an example to carry out a case study.From the perspective of empowering smallholders by the government,society,or-ganization and market,The paper analyzes the mechanism of the innovative agricultural production and marketing system in promoting the organic connection between smallholder farmers and modern agricul-ture.The study finds that the innovative agricultural production and marketing system in promoting the organic connection between smallholder farmers and modern agriculture can be empowered by the gov-ernment by promoting the digital and intelligent management of the agricultural production by building a digital platform for the agricultural industry chain,which is conducive to the specialized and standardized production of agricultural products.Social empowerment of smallholders through diversify planting and industrial integration development,will improve farmers'ability to resist risks through e-conomies of scope,broaden income-increasing channels,and stabilize income levels.Organization em-powers smallholders through new business entities driving them to integrate into modern agricul-ture.Market empowers smallholder farmers,on the one hand,through agricultural product purchase and sale activities connecting smallholders in production areas with the consumer market,and promote the integration of supply and demand.On the other hand,by upgrading the production market and opening up the sales market,linking the interaction between smallholders and market,upgrading the supply chain and optimizing the demand chain,and smoothing the circulation channels,the organic connection between smallholder farmers and modern agriculture can be redlized.
作者 丁焕峰 张蕊 谭一帆 DING Huanfeng;ZHANG Rui;TAN Yifan
出处 《农业经济问题》 北大核心 2024年第2期121-134,共14页 Issues in Agricultural Economy
基金 教育部学位与研究生教育发展中心2021年主题案例征集项目“小农户和现代农业发展有机衔接——广东德庆贡柑特色产业发展实践观察与理论思考”(编号:ZT-211056104)。
关键词 小农户 现代农业 创新型农产品产销体系 多元主体赋能 Smallholder farmers Modern agriculture Innovative agricultural production and mar-keting system Multi-entity subject empowerment
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