

The Enlightenment of the Development Progress of Dutch Spatial Planning to China
摘要 荷兰在土地合理利用方面取得了举世瞩目的成绩。与我国相似的自然资源国情和规划体系,使荷兰国土空间规划对我国国土空间规划有较强的借鉴和启示意义。荷兰空间规划经过初始阶段(1902—1964年)、发展阶段(1965—2007年)、改革阶段(2008—2013年),到现在的“多规合一”阶段(2014年至今),规划改革历程与我国极为相似。目前荷兰刚编制完成的相当于国家级的国土空间规划《空间规划与环境国家战略》,对2050年国家发展愿景提出了4个主要目标和具体措施。文章通过研究荷兰100多年来规划发展历程和当前国家级、省级国土空间规划(环境愿景规划)的主要内容,从改革重点、规划内容、实施监督、法律支撑等方面总结出值得我国借鉴的经验。 The Netherlands has made great achievements in rational land use.The similar land resources and planning system with China make Dutch spatial planning have a stronger reference meaning for China's spatial planning.The Netherlands has gone through the initial stage(1902–1964),the development stage(1965–2007),the reform stage(2008–2013),and the current"multiplan integration"stage(from 2014 to now),which has a high degree of similarity with China.At present,the"Spatial Planning and Environmental National Strategy"(Nationale Omgevingsvisie),which the Netherlands has just compiled equivalently to national spatial planning,put forward 4 main goals and specific measures for the 2050 national development vision.By studying the planning and development progress of the Netherlands over the past 100 years and the main content of the current national and provincial spatial planning(Omgevingsvisie),the paper summarized the experiences worthy learning for China from the aspects of reform focus,planning content,implementation supervision,legal support,etc.
作者 陈宇琛 CHEN Yuchen(China Land Surveying and Planning Institute,Beijing 100035,China)
出处 《中国国土资源经济》 2024年第2期66-75,共10页 Natural Resource Economics of China
基金 国家留学基金“与行业部门合作项目(与自然资源部合作项目)”。
关键词 荷兰 空间规划 规划体系 发展历程 启示 Netherlands spatial planning planning system development progress enlightenment
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