
阻力相关参数对比分析研究 被引量:1

Comparative Analytical Study of Resistance-related Parameters
摘要 挖掘阻力是一个非线性、不均匀分布、受多种因素影响和多变化的过程。深入理解和掌握挖掘阻力特点和规律,并采取相应的控制方法,是提高挖掘机工作效率和质量的关键。以统计学为基础,研究阻力相关参数分布,并分析挖掘阻力变化对参数分布影响。结果表明:阻力相关参数集中分布在主值区间内,当挖掘阻力大于平均挖掘阻力时,其区间集中程度更高。研究结果为挖掘阻力相关研究提供一定参考。 Excavation resistance is a process that is nonlinear,unevenly distributed,influenced by many factors and multi-variable.In-depth understanding and mastery of the characteristics and laws of excavation resistance and the adoption of corresponding control methods are the key to improving the efficiency and quality of excavator work.Based on statistics,we study the distribution of resistance-related parameters and analyze the influence of changes in excavation resistance on the distribution of parameters.The results show that the resistance-related parameters are centrally distributed in the main value interval,and when the excavation resistance is larger than the average excavation resistance,the degree of its interval concentration is higher.The results of the study provide some references for the research related to excavation resistance.
作者 李天瑜 陈定君 张明远 Li Tianyu;Chen Dingjun;Zhang Mingyuan(School of Mechanical Engineering,Shaanxi University of Technology,Hanzhong,China;Chongqing Vocational College of Public Transportation,Chongqing,China;Shaanxi Traffic Control Group Xiliu Branch,Hanzhong,China)
出处 《科学技术创新》 2024年第6期83-86,共4页 Scientific and Technological Innovation
关键词 挖掘机 挖掘阻力 统计分析 excavator excavation resistance statistical analysis
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