通过ABAQUS有限元软件进行半柔性复合路面设计,分析不同半柔性基层模量和厚度对层底应力的影响。研究结果表明:随着半柔性基层模量和厚度的增加,层底应力先减小后趋于稳定,确定最佳半柔性基层模量为1100 MPa,最佳基层厚度为26 cm,并依托实际工程,检测发现半柔性复合沥青路面具有较好的路用性能。
The semi-flexible composite pavement is designed by ABAQUS finite element software,and the influence of different semi-flexible base modulus and thickness on the stress of the bottom layer is analyzed.The research results show that with the increase of modulus and thickness of semi-flexible base layer,the stress at the bottom of the layer decreases first and then tends to be stable.The optimal modulus of semi-flexible base layer is determined to be 1100MPa,and the optimal base layer thickness is 26 cm.Based on practical projects,it is found that the semi-flexible composite asphalt pavement has better road performance.
CHEN Song-ling(Jiangsu Kejia Engineering Design Co.Ltd.,Changzhou 214002,China)
Construction & Design for Engineering