
中国出海品牌来源国身份策略的效果和机制——基于越南市场和日本市场的跨国比较研究 被引量:1

The Effect and Mechanism of COO Identity Strategies for Chinese Overseas Brands:A Cross-country Comparative Study of the Vietnamese Market and the Japanese Market
摘要 后全球化时代的到来给中国出海品牌带来了挑战。中国品牌通常采取两种来源国身份策略走向海外:表明中国身份策略与隐藏中国身份策略。这两种策略会如何影响中国品牌在海外市场的发展是国际营销领域的重要课题。本文基于信息加工理论,通过对越南市场和日本市场进行调研与比较,探索来源国身份策略对海外消费者品牌态度的影响及其作用机制,并提出对策缓解中国品牌在海外遭遇的风险。研究表明:与隐藏中国身份策略相比,表明中国身份策略会对越南消费者的品牌态度产生消极影响,但会对日本消费者的品牌态度产生积极影响。更重要的是,两国消费者在认知路径和情感路径的依赖上存在明显差异。越南消费者更依赖其对出海品牌所感知到的逃避情绪与亲近情绪形成品牌态度,而日本消费者更依赖其对出海品牌的品质评价形成品牌态度。最后,文章提出并验证通过所有权置换对策和品牌隔离对策可改善越南消费者对中国出海品牌的情绪感知和品质评价,提升品牌态度。 As China is deeply integrated into the global economic system and trading system,Chinese enterprises and Chinese brands are going overseas.To integrate into the global economy,Chinese brands usually adopt two kinds of country-of-origin(COO)identity strategy to enter overseas markets:Some traditional Chinese brands adopt the“displaying Chinese identity”strategy;while some emerging Chinese brands adopt the“hiding Chinese identity”strategy.However,consumers in emerging and developed markets process COO messages differently.Therefore,based on the information processing theory,this paper takes Vietnam and Japan as the representatives of emerging markets and developed markets,to explore the impact of COO identity strategies on overseas consumers’brand attitudes,and the differences in consumers’dependence on cognitive paths and emotional paths through cross-country comparative research.Two studies were conducted in this paper.Study 1 adopted a 2(COO identity strategies:displaying Chinese identity vs.hiding Chinese identity)×2(overseas markets:Vietnam vs.Japan)between-group design.The results indicate that:In the Vietnamese market,compared with the“hiding Chinese identity”strategy,the“displaying Chinese identity”strategy leads to a more negative effect on the brand attitude toward Chinese brands.In this process,Vietnamese consumers rely more on their perceived retreat emotions and affinity toward brands rather than their evaluation of brand quality to form brand attitudes.However,in the Japanese market,the“displaying Chinese identity”strategy leads to a more positive effect on the brand attitude toward Chinese brands.In this process,Japanese consumers rely more on their evaluation of brand quality rather than their perceived agonistic emotions and affinity toward brands to form brand attitudes.Study 2 conducted a one-way(countermeasures:control group vs.ownership replacement strategy vs.brand isolation strategy)between-group design.The results show that:These two countermeasures can both effectively reduce retreat emotions and improve affinity and quality evaluation,thus improving Vietnamese consumers’brand attitudes.In terms of theoretical contributions,this paper extends the research on COO effects associated with brands going abroad from emerging markets,revealing the differentiated effects of COO identity strategies adopted by Chinese brands going abroad in different overseas markets,and demonstrating the importance of cross-country comparative research.In addition,this paper enriches the understanding of the information processing theory in the field of international brand research.In terms of practical implications,Chinese brands going abroad can adapt their COO identity strategies to suit the cognitive and emotional needs of overseas consumers to achieve a breakthrough in the market.Finally,for brands that have identified themselves as Chinese,the two market countermeasures proposed and tested in this paper can mitigate the risks encountered by Chinese brands in overseas markets without changing their country of origin.
作者 施卓敏 张彩云 伍良娱 金春姬 Shi Zhuomin;Zhang Caiyun;Wu Liangyu;Jin Chunji(School of Business,Sun Yat-sen University,Guangzhou 510006,China;Faculty of Economics,Seijo University,Tokyo 157-8511,Japan)
出处 《外国经济与管理》 北大核心 2023年第12期96-117,共22页 Foreign Economics & Management
基金 国家自然科学基金面上项目(72072186)。
关键词 中国出海品牌 来源国身份策略 认知路径 情感路径 跨国比较研究 Chinese overseas brands COO identity strategies cognitive process affective process cross-country comparative study
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