
挑战应对:携手共赢的未来——《无限的可能:世界高等教育数字化发展报告(2023)》节选三 被引量:2

Challenges and Responses:A Collaborative and Win-win Future——Infinite Possibilities:2023 Report on the Digital Development of Global Higher Education(Ⅲ)
摘要 数字技术已成为新一轮科技革命和产业革命的核心驱动力,在未来十年里,数字技术将持续发展和不断演进,重塑我们的生活方式、经济模式和社会结构。面向未来,数字技术在高等教育中的应用呈现新一代互联网强化教育要素新联结、物联网助力打造数字教育新空间、大数据有力支撑精准化教育服务新范式、区块链加速释能学习新评价、生成式人工智能重构教育教学新形态、元宇宙推动形成虚实一体教育新场域等发展趋势。然而,数字技术为高等教育带来机遇的同时,也面临诸多挑战。在新一代人工智能席卷而来之际,传统教育范式亟待重塑、人工智能鸿沟日益加深、网络安全威胁愈发严峻、算法偏见加剧伦理风险、数字素养差距逐渐加大、人机协同呼唤全球合作等问题都迫切需要高度重视,并深入探讨解决方案。为推动高等教育数字化变革走向深入,各国政府、国际组织、高等学校和教育机构、研究部门和企业,应当携起手来共同行动,把握和适应数字变革。一是创设互联互通的教育数字化基础环境;二是构建灵活开放的数字学习成果互认机制;三是培育数智素养持续提升的高水平教师队伍;四是制定教育数字化技术伦理安全规范;五是完善数据赋能的高等教育治理体系;六是共建高等教育数字化研究网络与合作平台。 Digital technology has become the core driving force of the new round of technological revolution and industrial revolution.In the next decade,digital technology will continue to develop and evolve,reshaping our way of life,economic models and social structures.Facing the future,the application of digital technology in higher education presents new trends such as the new generation of the Internet to strengthen the new connection of education elements,the Internet of Things to help create a new space for digital education,big data to provide strong support for precise educational services,blockchain to accelerate the empowerment of new learning evaluations,generative artificial intelligence to reconstruct new forms of education and teaching,and the metaverse to promote the formation of a new integrated education field combining virtual and real experiences.However,while digital technology brings opportunities to higher education,it also faces challenges.With the advent of the new generation of artificial intelligence,traditional education paradigms urgently need reshaping,especially when the AI gap is deepening,network security threat is becoming more serious,algorithmic bias is intensifying ethical risks,the gap in digital literacy is widening,and global cooperation is needed to address issues related to human-machine collaboration.To propel the in-depth transformation of digitalization in higher education,government,international organizations,higher education institutions,educational organizations,research departments,and businesses around the world should join forces and take collective action to grasp and adapt to the digital transformation.These include:first,establishing an interconnected educational digital infrastructure environment.;second,building a flexible and open mechanism for mutual recognition of digital learning results;third,cultivating a high-level teaching workforce with continuous improvement of digital literacy;fourth,developing ethical safety standards of educational digital technology;fifth,enhancing the data-enabled governance system for higher education;and sixth,collaboratively building a research network and cooperation platform for digitalization in higher education.
出处 《中国教育信息化》 2024年第1期39-47,共9页 Chinese Journal of ICT in Education
关键词 世界 高等教育 数字技术 生成式人工智能 数字素养 伦理安全 教育治理 人机协同 Global Higher education Digital technology Generative artificial intelligence Digital literacy Ethical safety Educational governance Human-machine collaboration编辑:王晓明校对:李晓萍
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