
山东地方梨种质资源果实性状综合评价 被引量:1

Comprehensive evaluation on fruit traits of local pear germplasm resources in Shandong
摘要 【目的】全面评价107份种质资源的果实特征,为培育优良新品种奠定基础。【方法】于果实成熟期对果实品质进行测定、分析;采用Q型和R型聚类分析法对107份梨种质及其果实性状进行分类。【结果】84.11%种质资源属于中、大果型,果形指数约为1;48%的梨种质果实果皮呈现黄绿色、果肉白色、风味酸甜、汁液多和微香等特点;共检测出339种挥发性香气物质,不同种质香气种类及含量差别较大,其中酯类物质是香气主要成分;Q型和R型聚类分析显示,组内聚类种质具有一定的相似特征,且多具有相关性;主成分分析显示各性状贡献率较为分散,性状变异丰富。【结论】鉴定出文登实生种、栖霞大香水、鸭广梨等可溶性固形物含量高、香气浓郁的种质资源,可作为培育优良新品种的宝贵亲本材料。 【Objective】Pear is one of the important fruit crops in Shandong province,not only being rich in variety resources but also having a long history of cultivation.In the long process of production,the people have continuously created and domesticated a large number of excellent local cultivation va-rieties of pears,which have rich genetic diversity and are valuable materials for cultivating new excel-lent varieties.However,in recent years,the loss of local variety resources has been serious,and it is ur-gent to collect,preserve and research.Therefore,the fruit characteristics of 107 pear germplasm resourc-es in Shandong province were screened and evaluated,which laid the foundation for breeding new vari-eties.【Methods】107 local pear germplasm resources in the Core Demonstration Garden of Shandong Pomology Research Institute were used as test materials to investigate and analyze the fruit quality traits,including sensory evaluation,appearance quality and internal quality.The pears were harvested based on their maturation stage,and then those parameters including single fruit weight,longitudinal di-ameter,transverse diameter,sugar and acid contents,and so on were measured.The GC-MS method was used to determine aroma contents and composition.We also analyzed the distribution frequency and coefficient of variation of fruit characteristics.The fruit traits of 107 germplasm resources were classified by Q-type and R-type cluster analysis,and fruit traits were analyzed by the principal compo-nent analysis.【Results】(1)Among 107 pear varieties,84.11%of fruit types belonged to medium and large sizes.Most of the fruits were oval and round,and the fruit-shape index was about 1.The longitudi-nal and transverse diameters of most fruits distributed between 60-90 mm and 65-85 mm,respectively.(2)Most fruits exhibited such characteristics as yellow green skin,white flesh,sourness and sweetness,abundant juice,and a slight aroma.(3)34.58%fruit hardness were moderate and ranged from 3 kg·cm-2 to 6 kg·cm-2.The distribution range of titratable acid and solid/acid ratio were 0.06%-1.27%and 9.04-188.57,respectively.(4)A total of 339 kinds of aroma substances were detected by GC-MS,and there were great differences in the types and contents of aroma substances among different varieties.The con-tent of esters was significantly higher than that of other aroma substances.The aroma of the fruit was mainly slightly fragrant,followed by fragrant and not fragrant.(5)The variation coefficients of titrat-able acid,aroma content,aroma type,solid/acid ratio,single fruit weight,longitudinal diameter,trans-verse diameter,hardness,soluble solids content and fruit-shape indexs were 101.80%,71.05%,28.86%,52.53%,48.74%,21.04%,18.15%,33.33%,20.97%and 11.00%,respectively.(6)The correlation anal-ysis of fruit quality by the multivariate correlation analysis found that single fruit weight and transverse diameter and longitudinal diameter,correlation coefficients greater than 0.8,were highly correlated,and significantly and negatively correlated with fruit hardness.The ratio of TSS to TA showed a significant positive correlation with the single fruit weight,longitudinal and transverse diameter and fruit shape in-dex,and a significant negative correlation with the titrable acid content.Hardness showed a significant negative correlation between single fruit weight and longitudinal and transverse diameter.There was a very significant positive correlation between the soluble solid content and the titratable acid content.The aroma types and the aroma contents were significantly and positively correlated.(7)Q-type and R-type cluster analysis showed that the group clustering germplasm had certain characteristics and most of them showed pairwise correlation.(8)Principal component analysis showed that the contribution rate of each trait was scattered and the trait variation was rich.Positively increasing the first principal compo-nent factor would help improve the appearance quality of the fruit.The second principal component of positive growth was beneficial to improve the quality of fruit aroma,and the third principal components of positive growth contributed to improve the nutritional quality of the fruit.【Conclusion】The local germplasm resources of pear in Shandong province were rich and diverse,84.11%of them belonged to medium or large fruit type,the fruit was mostly oval or round,and the fruit shape index was about 1.The distribution of fruit characteristics,such as single fruit weight,longitudinal diameter,transverse di-ameter,fruit type index,fruit hardness and soluble solid content,were consistent with normal distribu-tion.A total of 339 kinds of aroma substances were detected by GC-MS,and the types and contents of aroma substances were different among the varieties.The content of ester was the main component of aroma substances.The coefficient of variation of fruit traits was very different.Q-type and R-type clus-ter analysis showed that the germplasm of group clusters had certain common characteristics,and most of the traits were correlated with each other.The germplasm resources with high contents of soluble sol-ids and aroma,including Wendeng Shishengzhong,Qixi Daxiangshui,Yaguang pear,Laiyang Qiubai pear,Gaomi En pear,Changyi Xiansuizi and Damahou pear,were identified as valuable parental materi-als for breeding new excellent varieties.
作者 焦慧君 董冉 董肖昌 冉昆 王宏伟 关秋竹 魏树伟 JIAO Huijun;DONG Ran;DONG Xiaochang;RAN Kun;WANG Hongwei;GUAN Qiuzhu;WEI Shu-wei(Shandong Institute of Pomology,Tai’an 271000,Shandong,China)
出处 《果树学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第2期201-215,共15页 Journal of Fruit Science
基金 山东省农业科学院创新工程项目(CXGC2023F21、CXGC2023A13) 山东省果树研究所青年基金(GSS2022QN11) 国家梨产业技术体系(CARS-28-37) 山东省自然科学基金(ZR2020MC141、ZR2021MC177、ZR2023MC061) 农业农村部园艺作物种质资源利用重点实验室开放基金(NYZS202206)。
关键词 山东省 种质资源 果实性状 香气 Pear Shandong province Germplasm resources Fruit traits Aroma
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