

The traditional Chinese medicine treatment of leukopenia
摘要 白细胞减少患者日益增多,其病因复杂,且无特效的治疗方法。中医各家对其认识不尽相同,但多将此病归为“虚劳”“虚损”“气虚”“血虚”范畴,病因多为禀赋素弱,先天不足;烦劳过度,损伤五脏;饮食不节,损伤脾胃;大病久病,失于调理等。其主要病机为脾肾亏虚,气血不足。治疗上辨证论治且不离“脾、肾”,还强调重视虚中夹实,多从气血入手补益脾肾;或从“卫气”“六经”辨证,“以通代补”,皆取得了良好的疗效。此外,针刺、艾灸、穴位注射、穴位贴敷等多种疗法在临床上应用广泛并取得了确切成效。笔者认为此病多为气虚血瘀、脾肾两虚,应从健脾益肾、补气填精入手治疗白细胞减少,同时根据患病的不同阶段、患者体质等因素辨证论治,注重活血祛瘀,使瘀滞浊毒去而脾肾气血足而愈。常用药物有党参、黄芪、当归、熟地黄、白术、黄精等,从中医药物功效上分析,这些药物具有补气补血、滋肾填精等作用。通过现代药理学研究可发现,这些药物对骨髓内粒细胞、氨基酸、血液流变学和血液动力学、核糖核酸及蛋白质的合成等都有影响,最终达到治疗白细胞减少的目的。白细胞减少或可产生严重后果,影响患者生活质量,应重视对该疾病的研究及治疗,发挥中医药的疗效优势。 The number of patients with leukopenia is increasing day by day,its etiology is complex,and there is no specific treatment.Different TCM doctors have different understandings of it.But most of them classify it as deficiency,asthenic diseases,deficiency of vital energy,deficiency of blood.The causes are mostly weak endowment and congenital insufficiency,or excessive overwork causing damage to the five internal organs,or improper diet causing damage to the spleen and stomach,or serious illness for a long time and loss of conditioning,etc.The main cause of the disease is spleen and kidney deficiency,and insufficient Qi(气)and blood.And the treatment is based on the identification and treatment of the“spleen and kidney”,and also emphasizes the importance of the excess and the deficiency.Most of the treatment is based on the identification of the“Qi and blood”and the“six meridians”,and the application of“tonifying by regulating”,all of which have achieved good results.In addition,acupuncture,moxibustion,acupuncture point injection and acupuncture point application are widely used in clinical practice and have achieved definite results.The author believes that this disease is mostly due to Qi deficiency and blood stasis,spleen and kidney deficiency,and the treatment should start from strengthening the spleen and kidney,tonifying Qi and filling the essence,and at the same time,according to the different stages of the disease,the patients’constitution and other factors should be considered,and the focus should be on invigorating the blood to eliminate stasis,so that the stagnant toxins are removed and Qi and blood of the spleen and kidney are sufficient to heal.The commonly used drugs are Dangshen(Codonopsis pilosula),Huangqi(Astragalus mongholicus),Danggui(Angelica sinensis),Shudihuang(Cooked Rehmannia),Baizhu(Bighead Atractylodes Rhizome),Huangjing(Rhizoma Polygonati),etc.,from the analysis of the efficacy of traditional Chinese medicine drugs,these drugs have the effects of replenishing Qi and blood,nourishing kidneys and filling the essence.Through modern pharmacological research,it can be found that these drugs have an impact on bone marrow granulocytes,amino acids,blood rheology and hemodynamics,RNA and protein synthesis,and ultimately achieve the purpose of treating leukopenia.Leukopenia may have serious consequences and affect the quality of life of patients,and attention should be paid to the research and treatment of the disease,and the curative advantages of traditional Chinese medicine should be brought into play.
作者 王博 贾维刚 WANG Bo;JIA Weigang
出处 《中医临床研究》 2023年第36期49-52,共4页 Clinical Journal Of Chinese Medicine
关键词 白细胞减少 中医药疗法 健脾益肾 补气填精 Leucopenia TCM therapy Invigorating spleen and kidney Replenishing Qi and filling essence
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