As demonstrated by some high-profile cases like"the Sanum Case",the current regime of judicial review of non-ICSID investment treaty arbitration is faced with doubts and controversies and thus is in a dilemma to some extent.Controversies arising from the decisions of national courts mainly focus on decisions on the interpretation and application of relevant international investment treaties.Analyzing this issue from the perspective of the interpretation and application of investment treaties in question by courts of judicial review helps us to understand the dilemma and to think about how relevant states,including China,could respond to it.By analyzing the issue from the perspective of the interpretation and application of investment treaties by national courts,we can see that,on the one hand,due to the application of commercial arbitration judicial review legal system,courts of judicial review face institutional difficulties in interpreting and applying relevant international investment treaties,as they do not have sufficient legitimacy and neutrality to be subjects of interpretation and application of international investment treaties.On the other hand,the commercialized position of the relevant national courts exacerbates the difficulties faced by this regime in practice and raises doubts about the impartiality of the interpretation and application of investment treaties by judicial review courts and their conformity with relevant principles of the law of treaties.To reform the non-ICSID investment treaty arbitration system,we should pay attention to the issue of treaty interpretation and application in the process of judicial review.Under the current legal framework of non-ICSID investment treaty arbitration,relevant states,including China,should attach more importance to and strengthen the regulation of judicial review of non-ICSID investment treaty arbitration by international investment treaties that they have concluded.Specific recommendations for states concerned to respond to this dilemma include:improving investment treaty provisions on the procedure for the selection of the place of arbitration for non-ICSID investment arbitration;providing in investment treaties that the joint interpretation of treaties by signatory states shall be binding on judicial review courts of non-ICSID investment arbitration;promoting the establishment of a global mechanism for the review of or appeal against international investment treaty arbitration awards;encouraging national courts to reach a consensus on the principles and rules to be observed in the interpretation and application of treaties in the judicial review of non-ICSID investment arbitration;and stipulating in investment treaties that treaty-based investorstate disputes will no longer be resolved through non-ICSID arbitration,namely,the legal system of commercial arbitration will only apply to contractual disputes between states and investors.
Global Law Review