

George Schultz and Negotiations regarding the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces between the United States and the Soviet Union
摘要 里根上台后,美苏在日内瓦就影响欧洲安全与稳定的中程核导弹问题进行会谈。美国国务卿舒尔茨作为里根在军备控制方面的代言人,在中导谈判中发挥了重要作用。他提出“园艺”外交理念,主张把美苏可能的争端消除在萌芽状态,摒弃美国政府对苏联的意识形态攻击,加强与苏联的联系和交往,努力培养美苏信任,积极促成美苏首脑会谈。与此同时,舒尔茨坚持对话和威慑相结合,信奉以实力求和平,支持北约的“双轨决定”和里根的战略防御计划,促使美苏开展持续的核军控谈判。他把从根本上削弱苏联的原则性和达成协议的灵活性相结合,推动美苏于1987年达成《中导条约》。这既从根本上削弱了苏联与美国争霸乃至对抗的基础,又维持了西方联盟的团结,还迎合了世界各国无核武器的愿望,使美国在世界舆论中赢得了更好的国际形象。 After Ronald Reagan took office,the United States and the Soviet Union held talks in Geneva on the issue of intermediate-range nuclear missiles that would affect the European security and stability.As President Reagan's mouthpiece for arms control,George Schultz,the Secretary of State,played an important role in every stage of the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces negotiations.He proposed the concept of‘gardening'diplomacy,advocating to eliminate potential disputes between the United States and the Soviet Union in the early stages,abandoning the ideological attacks of the U.S.government on the Soviet Union,strengthening contacts and exchanges with the Soviet Union,striving to cultivate the mutual trust,and actively promoting the summit talk between the two sides.At the same time,Schultz insisted on combining the dialogue and deterrence,believing in seeking peace through strength,supporting NATO's‘dual track'decision and Reagan's strategic defense initiative,and promoting sustained nuclear arms control negotiations between the United States and the Soviet Union.He combined the fundamental weakening of the Soviet principles with the flexibility to reach an agreement,and pushed for the reaching of Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty between the two sides in 1987.This not only fundamentally weakened the foundation of the Soviet struggle for hegemony and even confrontation with the U.S.,but also maintained the unity of the Western alliance and catered to the desire of countries around the world to have no nuclear weapons,enabling the U.S.to win a better international image in the public opinion of the world.
作者 刘子奎 袁怡 Liu Zikui;Yuan Yi
出处 《世界历史》 北大核心 2023年第6期1-18,156,共19页 World History
基金 国家社科基金重大招标项目“美国防核扩散政策档案搜集、整理与研究”(项目编号:20&ZD242)的阶段性成果。
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