
习近平文化思想人民性的四维审视 被引量:4

A Four-Dimensional Examination of the Affinity to the People of Cultural Thought of Xi Jinpin
摘要 习近平文化思想是马克思主义中国化的最新理论成果,是新时代建设社会主义文化强国的根本遵循和行动指南。习近平文化思想蕴含着人民性的四维向度,即文化为了人民是习近平文化思想的价值取向,文化由人民创造是习近平文化思想的价值路径,文化造福人民是习近平文化思想的价值目标,发展让人民满意的社会主义文化是习近平文化思想的价值标准。习近平文化思想人民性彰显于其价值取向、价值路径、价值目标、价值标准之中,由此开辟出马克思主义文化思想中国化的新篇章。坚持和把握习近平文化思想的人民性,有助于深刻理解习近平文化思想的深刻内涵、理论脉络和价值意蕴,深入贯彻“以人民为中心”的社会主义文化发展战略,铸就社会主义文化新辉煌。 Xi Jinping Thought on Culture is the latest achievement of the Sinicization of Marxism,and it is the fundamental follow and action guide for building a strong socialist culture in the new era.Xi Jinping Thought on Culture contains four dimensions of the affinity to the people,the culture for the people is the value orientation of Xi Jinping Thought on Culture,the culture created by the people is the value path of Xi Jinping Thought on Culture,the culture benefits the people is the value goal of Xi Jinping Thought on Culture,and the development of socialist culture that satisfies the people is the value standard of Xi Jinping Thought on Culture.The affinity to the people of Xi Jinping Thought on Culture manifests itself in its value orientation,value path,value target and value standard,thus opening up a new chapter of the Sinicization of Marxist cultural thought.Adhering to and grasping the affinity to the people of Xi Jinping Thought on Culture is conducive to a deep understanding of the profound connotation,theoretical context and value implications of Xi Jinping Thought on Culture,which can be a thorough implementation of the“people-centered”socialist cultural development strategy and a new brilliant socialist culture.
作者 方可 吕林倥 Fang Ke;Lv Linkong(College of Marxism,Southwest Petroleum University,Chengdu Sichuan 610500)
出处 《沈阳师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 2024年第1期3-9,共7页 Journal of Shenyang Normal University(Social Science Edition)
基金 全国高校思想政治理论课建设项目(21SZJS51010615)。
关键词 习近平 文化思想 人民性 四维审视 Xi Jinping cultural thought the affinity to the people four-dimensional examination
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