

Electric power and energy rebalancing method for new power systems at receiving ends of industrial parks
摘要 我国工业园区电能消耗占据了较高的比例,针对依托新型电力系统促进工业园区绿色低碳发展的需要,提出了一种面向工业园区受端新型电力系统的电力电量再平衡方法。首先,开展电力和电量需求预测并进行电力电量初平衡;然后,基于受端源网荷储协同作用并充分考虑园区节能、电能替代、各类分布式电源、储能和需求响应能力的作用进行电力电量再平衡,由此确定园区年度外调电和区内自产电的比例,进一步建立包含低碳效应和电力系统规模变化在内的量化指标评价体系,对电力电量再平衡带来的变配电容量缩减规模和降碳效用进行评价。以我国南方某工业园区新型电力系统的电力电量再平衡为例对以上方法进行了验证,结果表明:该园区2030年变配电规划容量可缩减10.1%,用电综合碳排放因子由0.60 kg/(kW·h)降至0.54 kg/(kW·h);2060年变配电规划容量可缩减9.57%,电能替代实现减碳5.85万t/a,可为受端新型电力系统的电力电量平衡提供有力的理论支撑。 Electricity consumption accounts for a high proportion in the total energy consumption of domestic industrial parks.In response to green and low-carbon development initiative of industrial parks,an electric power and energy rebalancing method for new power systems at the receiving ends of industrial parks is proposed.Firstly,electric power and energy demands are forecasted,and their initial balances are struck.Then,taking the coordination of source-grid-loadstorage ends of a distribution network,and the energy conservation,electricity substitution,various distributed power sources,energy storage and demand response capability of industrial parks into consideration,electric power and energy are rebalanced.The proportions of electricity purchased from external power grid and electricity generated in the industrial park are annually adjusted according to the rebalancing results.Then,an evaluation system with quantitative indicators including carbon reduction effect and the size of power systems is established,which can evaluate the reduction effect on substation and distribution capacities and carbon emissions brought by electric power and energy rebalance.Finally,the proposed method is validated by a case of a new power system in an industrial park in southern China.The results indicate that:by 2030,the designed substation and distribution capacity of this park can be reduced by 10.1%,and the comprehensive carbon emission factor of electricity consumption can be reduced from 0.60 kg(/kW·h)to 0.54 kg(/kW·h);by 2060,the designed substation and distribution capacity can be reduced by 9.57%,and electricity substitution will reduce the carbon emissions by 58500 t per year.The rebalance method provides a strong theoretical support for the planning of new power systems at receiving ends.
作者 孔慧超 黄学劲 王文钟 雷一 彭静 李海波 KONG Huichao;HUANG Xuejin;WANG Wenzhong;LEI Yi;PENG Jing;LI Haibo(Dongguan Power Supply Bureau,Guangdong Power Grid Corporation,Dongguan 523120,China;Tsinghua Sichuan Energy Internet Research Institute,Chengdu 610213,China)
出处 《综合智慧能源》 CAS 2024年第2期68-74,共7页 Integrated Intelligent Energy
基金 广东电网有限责任公司项目(0319002022030201JF00039)。
关键词 新型电力系统 源网荷储 电力电量平衡 负荷预测 电能替代 储能 低碳 工业园区 new power system source-grid-load-storage electric power and energy rebalance load forecasting electricity substitution energy storage low carbon emissions industrial park
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