
Power Synchronization Compensation Strategy Based on Second-order Compensation Links for Voltage-controlled Inverters in Microgrids

摘要 A second-order compensation link is adopted to control voltage-controlled inverters(VCIs) in microgrid systems to enhance the performance of the power synchronization process of the inverter. The second-order compensation link is classified as both a real pole compensator(RPC) and a complex pole compensator(CPC) according to the pole position. Given a model for the VCI power output, the design process for the second-order compensation link, which is equipped with an RPC and a CPC, is detailed. Moreover, the frequency-domain compensation effects of the RPC and CPC are analyzed using the root locus and Bode diagrams of the system before and after compensation. Finally, the compensation effects of the two types of second-order compensators are compared with the commonly used high-pass filter using MATLAB/Simulink, which verifies the RPC and CPC strategies. Simulation results show that the two types of compensators designed in this study can effectively increase the system cutting frequency and improve the phase margin in the frequency domain while accelerating the power synchronization process, simultaneously making it smoother and reducing overshoot in the time domain. The RPC has better gain robustness, whereas the CPC has better time constant robustness. By implementing an RPC or a CPC, the dynamic time of the power synchronization compensation strategy is reduced within 0.5 s, and the overshoot is reduced within 10% in the experiments with two inverters.
出处 《Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy》 SCIE EI CSCD 2023年第6期1935-1947,共13页 现代电力系统与清洁能源学报(英文)
基金 supported by the National Key R&D Program Funding Projects (No.2018YFB1503001) the Science and Technology Plan Project of the Shanghai Science and Technology Commission (No.21DZ1207300) the Industrial Strengthening Program Projects from the Shanghai Municipal Commission of Economy and Informatization (No.GYQJ-2022-1-14)。
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