
体育与健康课程跨学科主题学习的基本含义、现存问题与改进策略 被引量:3

Basic Implications,Existing Problems and Improvement Strategies of Interdisciplinary Thematic Learning in Physical Education and Health Courses
摘要 体育与健康课程跨学科主题学习为提升义务教育阶段学生的体育核心素养和跨学科综合实践能力提供了新的途径,但如何理解和实施跨学科主题学习在学界和一线体育教师中仍存在疑惑和误区。在阐释体育与健康课程跨学科主题学习含义和类型的基础上,分析了当前体育与健康课程跨学科主题学习存在的5个关键问题,即学习主题存在偏离学科本位的现象、学习目标表述存在泛化与虚化的误区、学习活动情境创设存在失真的倾向、学习评价存在可操作性不强的缺陷、教师存在教学意愿不强与能力储备不足的问题。分别从上述问题对应的“学什么”“为何学”“如何学”“怎么评”和“谁能教”5个方面提出了改进对策:(1)坚守体育学科本位,聚焦体育活动参与过程的真问题确定学习主题;(2)走出目标泛化误区,围绕体育核心素养设定具体可达成的学习目标;(3)规避虚假学练情境,设置真实体育学练情境、采用合作探究学习方式;(4)强化评价可操作性,充分发挥以评促学、以评促教的双重导向作用;(5)完善实施要点、编写教学指南,提升体育教师跨学科教学意愿与教学能力。 Interdisciplinary thematic learning in physical education and health curriculum provides a new way to improve core sports literacy and interdisciplinary practical abilities of students in compulsory education.However,there are still doubts and misconceptions in the academic community and among physical education teachers on how to understand and implement interdisciplinary thematic learning.On the basis of explaining the meaning and types of interdisciplinary thematic learning in physical education and health curriculum,five key problems of interdisciplinary thematic learning in physical education and health curriculum are analyzed,namely,learning themes deviating from the disciplines,the generalizing and clouding in the expression of learning objectives,the tendency to create distorted learning activity scenarios,the lack of operability in learning evaluation,and the weak teaching willingness and insufficient ability reserves on the teachers' part.Accordingly,the improvement strategies have been proposed from the five aspects of “what to learn”,“why to learn”,“how to learn”,“how to evaluate”,and “who can teach”,corresponding to the above questions:(1) adhere to the discipline of physical education,focusing on the real problems of the process of participation in sports activities to determine the learning theme;(2) clear the misconceptions of objective generalization,and set specific achievable learning goals around sports core literacy;(3) avoid false learning and distorted practicing situations,set up real physical learning and practicing situations,and adopt cooperative inquiry learning methods;(4)strengthen the operability of evaluation,and give full play to the dual guiding role of evaluation to promote learning and teaching;(5) improve the key implementation points,prepare the teaching guide,and enhance physical education teachers' willingness and ability to teach across disciplines.
作者 张丁毅 唐炎 辛飞 史鹏 马晓 胡小清 郑天晨 ZHANG Dingyi;TANG Yan;XIN Fei;SHI Peng;MA Xiao;HU Xiaoqing;ZHENG Tianchen(School of Physical Education,Shanghai University of Sport,Shanghai 200438,China;College of Physical Education and Sport Science,Fujian Normal University,Fuzhou,Fujian 350117,China)
出处 《体育学研究》 北大核心 2023年第6期60-69,共10页 Journal of Sports Research
基金 国家社会科学基金青年项目(19CTY010)。
关键词 义务教育 课程标准 体育课程 跨学科主题学习 体育教师 compulsory education curriculum standards physical education curriculum interdisciplinary thematic learning physical education teachers
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