

Humanistic Ethical Dimension and Logic of Indigenous Compatibility of the Japanization of Confucianism: A Case Study of Ito Jinsai's Distinguishment of Dao and Li
摘要 儒学日本化,本质上是儒学普遍性意义之于日本的本土性转化与在地化阐释实践。在此一进程中,伊藤仁斋创立古义学,在反思朱子理学与澄明元典古义的学术张力中,聚焦于“孔子之道”的人本伦理意蕴,探寻《论语》在地化学理阐释路向。在此意义上,道理之辨既是古义学与朱熹理学之间的关键性分歧点,也是伊藤仁斋构建日本儒学的逻辑起点。具体而言,其道理之辨在三个层面上次第展开:其一,澄清字义,以解构朱熹理学之道理同一性,从而在形上本体命名意义上非“理”而是“道”;其二,聚焦人本性,将孔子之道的阐释重心复归于人伦之间,进而论定道与人之互为根据、互相涵括的哲学关系,并申说道之贤常公有且皆可由之的公共属性;其三,确证道之普遍性意义,通过有意误读与借题发挥而推演并阐发孔子之道之于日本的本土契合性。质而言之,伊藤仁斋道理之辨的内在逻辑是,在确证孔子之道超时空普遍性意义之基础上,作出汲古以向今、契合于本土的在地化阐释实践,从而藉由《论语》诠释而将源自中国的儒学思想智慧内在化于本土学术文化范畴。在中日儒学学术交流史意义上,伊藤仁斋道理之辨及其古义学,在事实上介入了“整体儒学”体系之形成,并且确证了儒家智慧之具有普适于原生地以及域外的内生性普遍意义。 In essence,the Japanization of Confucianism is the local transformation and the interpretation of the universality of Confucianism in Japan. In this process,Ito Jinsai established the theory of Kogi(古义学). By reassessing Zhu Xi's Neo-Confucianism and clarifying the original meaning of the Confucian classics,he focused on the humanistic ethics of Confucius ' Dao,and explored the direction of the localized interpretation of the Analects.In this sence,the distinguishment of Dao and Li,is an important disagreement between Zhu Xi's Neo-Confucianism and Ito Jinsai's Kogi (古义学),and the logical starting point of Ito Jinsai ' s construction of Japanese Confucianism.Specifically,the distinguishment of Dao and Li was developed on the following three dimensions:Firstly,by clarifying the meaning of words,he deconstructed the identity of Dao and Li of Zhu Xi's neo-Confucianism,thereby negating Li and affirming Dao in the sense of naming metaphysical ontology.Secondly,focusing on the humanistic ethics,resetted the focus of the interpretation of Confucius' Dao to human relations,and then determined the philosophical relationship between Dao and human.Thirdly,he confirmed the universal significance of Confucius' Dao,then expounded the indigenous compatibility of Confucius' Dao in Japan by intentional misreading and overinterpretation. In essence,the inner logic of Ito Jinsai's Distinguishment of Dao and Li is that confirmed the universal significance of Confucius' Dao,and attempted localized interpretation with the current and local compatibility,then internalized Confucian wisdom in local academic and cultural categories. In the historical sense of SinoJapanese Confucian academic exchanges,Ito Jinsai's theoy of Kogi(古义学) and the distinguishment of Dao and Li involved in the formation of the Holistic Confucianism,and confirmed that Confucian wisdom has indogenous universal significance,which is generally applicable to the original place and outside the territory.
作者 张士杰 Zhang Shijie
出处 《国际儒学(中英文)》 2023年第4期85-99,182,183,共17页 International Studies on Confucianism
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目“域外《论语》学研究”(16ZDA108) 国家社会科学基金一般项目“日本孔子书写的现代性重构研究”(20BWW018) 大连外国语大学学术骨干教师资助项目(2020YXGG08)。
关键词 日本儒学 古义学 本土契合性 整体儒学 内生性普遍意义 文明互鉴 Japanese Confucianism the theory of Kogi indigenous compatibility holistic Confucianism endogenous universal value mutual learning
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