

Interpretation of the Regime of the Right of Retraction in a Reservation of Title Sale
摘要 功能主义视角下,取回权从所有权和合同解除制度下解脱出来,被重构为法律规定的行使担保物权的特别程序,获得了独立的制度价值。出卖人行使取回权无需以催告为前提,也不应设置买受人未支付价款比例的限制。买受人处分标的物属有权处分,保留所有权与其他物权竞存时,适用《民法典》第406条、414条、415条规定的竞存规则;处分标的物损害出卖人担保权益的,出卖人可以依据第642条行使取回权,也可以参照第406条、408条行使担保权保全请求权。取回权制度是针对所有权保留交易特性作出的制度设计,在所有权保留中应当优先适用。行使取回权协商不成时,应赋予出卖人程序选择权,亦即可以选择参照担保物权实现程序行使取回权、通过诉讼途径行使取回权乃至直接依照担保物权实现程序拍卖、变卖标的物。买受人回赎标的物的,应当将第643条与第634条联立分析确定行使回赎权的条件。行使取回权并不意味着解除合同,合同解除权也不因行使取回权而消灭,买受人逾期不回赎的,出卖人既可以行使再出卖权,也可以在符合条件时主张解除合同。 From the perspective of functionalism,the recall right is freed from the system of ownership and contract termination and reconstructed as a special procedure for exercising the real right of security as stipulated by law,obtaining the independent institutional value.It is not necessary for the seller to exercise the recall right on the presumption of interpellation or set a limit on the proportion of the buyer's outstanding payment.When the buyer in entitled to dispose the subject matter,and the retain ownership and other real rights coexist,the competition rules stipulated in Articles 406,414 and 415 of the Civil Code shall be applied;when the disposal of the subject matter damages the security interest of the seller,the seller may exercise the recall right according to Article 642,or exercise the right of preservation of the security right according to Article 406 and 408.The recall right system is designed according to the characteristics of the sale of title retention,and should take priority application in the title retention.If the negotiation of exercising the recall right fails,the seller should be given procedure options,that is,he can choose to exercise the recall right reffering to the procedure of realization of security interest,exercise the right through the proceeding or even auction off or sell the subject matter directly according to the procedure of realization of security interest.When the buyer forecloses the subject matter,Article 643 and Article 634 shall be analyzed jointly to determine the conditions for exercising the right of redemption.The exercise of the recall right does not mean terminating the contract and the rescission of contract does not die out for the exercise of the recall right.If the buyer fails to redeem within the time limit,the seller can either exercise the right of resale or claim to terminate the contract when the conditions are met.
作者 景光强 JING Guangqiang
出处 《法治研究》 北大核心 2024年第2期135-146,共12页 Research on Rule of Law
关键词 所有权保留 取回权 担保物权实现程序 回赎权 再出卖权 the title retention the recall right the procedure of realization of security interest the right of redemption the right of resale
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